Tears in my eyes, Cavill evolving into peak Barry

Tears in my eyes, Cavill evolving into peak Barry

by freshfov02

  1. I bet 10 euros that the random twitter woman would be crucifying whomever called e.g. Helen Mirren an old hag.

    People age and painting warhammer figurines is a healthier hobby than shitposting on twitter (or reddit incriminating myself).

  2. Things this troglodyte twatter user hates;

    1) People having hobbies
    2) Becoming a father
    3) Growing old gracefully
    4) Being a decent role model for blokes everywhere.

  3. If this were “peak barry”, englishmen would be the most attractive people in all of europe.

  4. Looks much better looking in the second pic IMO. Looks a bit of a poofter in the first, like he’s French or something

  5. Bruh Henry Cavill even with bad hairline looks better than 99.9% Barrys and rest of Europe.

  6. When i’m in a being superficial contest and my opponent is this person

  7. The man literally looks like Gigachad. Even more so in the second picture. What is this lady chatting about?

  8. This got the same vibe as that one dude calling Margot Robbie “mid”.

    If Henry Cavill is considered unattractive, it’s all over for us men.

  9. She says that on Twitter, but I bet she would spread her legs wider than the Arc de Triomphe if he was in front of her.

  10. Still a handsome man with perfect skull/jaw. What the fuck is this thoth talking?

  11. He’s hotter in the right pic and then the random swipe at gamers lol. His peak hotness was Witcher.

  12. Well, at least he isn’t a wannabe on his profile’s photo. This bitch better wash her mouth before talking about WH and games. Where do I have to sign to be like him by his age?

  13. For context, nice lady in the pic calls herself a misandrist and her account was suspended for violating the rules, so no surprise there.

  14. what a bullshit post from that person. She is nothing next to someone like Henry Cavill

  15. Whenever i see a post like this i really need to fight the urge to comment the coffee emoji

  16. What a weird post. Because his hairline matures and he has a hobby he’s now a weirdo? You can’t fucking win, no matter what..

  17. If this bitch knew that, in about 38.000 years, he will be leading 20 Legions, Trillions of Guardsman and his 21 sons…

    Henry Cavill is a good bloke.

  18. People nowadays will see the first, mildest signs of aging (which is the most fucking natural biological process for almost any creature) and call it undesirable, death sentence it is. Like it’s a goddamn disease or a disgrace for growing old. What in the dystopia are we living in now?

    Photoshop and plastic surgery were a mistake, and maybe even celebrity culture in general. Them values and priorities are all bent so out of shape thanks to it.

  19. Newsflash: depressing misandrist feminist hates men and men having fun.

    More news at ten, following Juan’s siesta, Pierre’s riot, and Barry’s drunken public address

  20. Wasn’t he the guy that refused steroids and preferred training naturally?

    Wasn’t he just always a Warhammer nerd?

    Don’t most men just bald?

  21. She doesn’t speak for us. I would give up all future pleasures just to be absolutely and utterly railed by that man.

  22. She is an idiot.

    Henry is maturing very nicely. He is a hunk who can geek me any day!

  23. I don’t think he cares for her opinion at all lmao. Who would like to hang out with someone that look down on your for perfectly fine hobbies and for simply ageing over time anyway?

  24. Hey I’m not gay, but Hendry Cavill destroying my asshole is Henry Cavill destroying my asshole.

    I don’t see how him being a “nerd” makes him creepy or weird, it makes him awesome.

    Lana can go fuck herself with a cactus.


    That man was, is and forever will be the epitome of masculine beauty. He is peak mankind and I will not hear otherwise.

    That mindless stupid slander has to stop.

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