Democrats, anticipating Chevron’s demise, gave E.P.A. more power in recent climate law.

Democrats, anticipating Chevron’s demise, gave E.P.A. more power in recent climate law.

by silence7

  1. Did the address the “neighbor issue”? You know where the pollutants go over the states borders and causes harm?

  2. Why is the fossil fuel industry so evil.

    Like we can use a little of everything. So we can exist in a healthy manner.

    They want ppl to binge on coal and oil until what…there’s no earth left? All the coast lines are flooded?

    I’m glad they wrote the legislature for EPA in explicit format 2 years ago…here’s hoping it’ll take 20 years to dismantle.

  3. Thank you, Democrats. Our climate is already beyond the tipping point these all companies just don’t give a damn

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