Ukraine könnte Russlands 600 Millionen Dollar teures S-500-SAM-System mit ATACMS getroffen haben

Ukraine könnte Russlands 600 Millionen Dollar teures S-500-SAM-System mit ATACMS getroffen haben

  1. “If destruction is confirmed this will represent yet another major blow to Russia’s military prestige and capability.”

    I would be shocked if they had any prestige at all.

  2. One thing Russia has been good at lately is that their army, air force and navy all have been embarrassed consistently.

    If the report that their latest state-of-art S500 system was indeed destroyed, that will be another major setback for Russia as replacing the system will be near impossible under current situation.

  3. “Peter, do you think this is good spot? The Ukraines blew up last S400 here.”
    “Vitaly, don’t worry, lightning does not strike same place twice”
    – Some Vatniks probably

  4. “Rumors began to circulate on social media on Friday afternoon that, a Ukrainian ATACMS strike had destroyed elements of the S-500 battery in an unidentified location.”

  5. Someone needs to takeout the Russian needledick ( when they do an autopsy I’m sure they will find he’s hung like a field mouse ) and do the whole world a favor.

  6. Supposed to be able to detect and shoot down anything. Can’t hit a 30 year old short range ballistic missile. WTF is it going to do against an F-35/22?

  7. Surely S-500 is not a single “thing” but a series of separate launchers all combined? They can’t have destroyed the whole thing, right?

  8. I was waiting for this news like a giddy child when i heard they had a *special one*

  9. What country is watching Russias performance and coming away impressed? A time traveler from 1917?

  10. Russia builds them and Kyiv blows them up! What’s next? “A bridge too far” or a “gulag railroad to hell!”….bhahaha!

  11. I can’t wait to see the images of the poor malnourished NK soldiers charging the front lines of the war with rifle bayonets like wwi.

    All so their GranDe leader can have some extra fake chicken meat n rice for dinner.

  12. The longer this goes on the more I think Russia doesn’t actually have any advanced military capabilities. They just say they do to appear strong. If their “state-of-the-art” defense system can easily be blown up by the very thing it’s supposed to defend against, what about every other defensive system they have?

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