Ukraine Has Shot Russia In The Heart! Russian Supply Line Has Been Destroyed!

Ukraine Has Shot Russia In The Heart! Russian Supply Line Has Been Destroyed!

we are Anka stay tuned for updated real news supply lines and troops are the life blot of any fighting Army their importance increases exponentially especially under the harsh conditions of the conflict the current state of the fighting Army makes it an inevitable that Supply trucks and troops are eagerly awaited this is exactly how the situation of the Russian army can be described in the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine every day the Russian soldiers feel more and more gly their need for Supply tracks carrying ammunition and supplies the successive losses on the front line have seriously eroded the moral of the Russian troops and the successful operations of the Ukrainian Army have largely depleted the ammunition stocks of the Russian troops at this point the only condition for the Russian troops to continue the war is a continuous and regular supply of the ammunition to the France line recent developments however indicate that this critical Supply expectation will come to not this Interruption of supply lines disruption of ammunition deliveries and insufficient logistical support have brought the Russian army to the brink of a serious crisis at this point while the Russian soldiers are fighting tough battles on the front line they are in a state of great expectation and uncertainty from Munitions and supplies in the background this uncertainty has a negative impact on the operational capacity of the Russian army and its will to fight the Ukrainian Army’s strategic moves and the attacks on the logistics basis have backed the Russian troops into a corner let us take a closer look at this important and critical developments let us make a detailed assessments of the recent events and the state of the supply lines and the latest situation on the front line before we get to our report I would like like to make a small reminder as anca Daily News team we strive to bring you the latest developments in Russia Ukraine war and don’t forget to subscribe to our Channel and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss our daily reports and explanations I also read all of your comments on our videos please continue to share your ideas about our content in the comments with us and tell us in the comments what content you would like to see on Ana Daily News Channel let’s start if you ready on cily news reports the ongoing fighting in the har blast is taking an increasingly heavy toll on Russia the fierce fighting on the front line in the region has caused major damage to the Russian army and the Ukrainian Army’s successive operations have led to the physical and moral exhaustion of the Russian troops while their Firepower has been severely reduced in this process the active use of UNM deral Vehicles uavs which revolutionized Ukraine’s war strategies contributed greatly to this situation unal vehicles with which the Ukrainian Army has opened a new page in the literature of the Warfare play important roles especially in the critical operations these vehicles draw attention with operations that take the breath away from the Russian army donit Blast has become the scene of successful attacks by the Ukrainian drones which inflicted heavy losses on the Russian troops the Ukraine’s 72nd machite Brigade plays a leading role in drone operations the brigades experienced Personnel have been inflicting irreparable damage on the Russian army the 72nd Brigade organizes operations against Russian troops at many points using un maderal Vehicles most recently in re recent operation succeeded in the destroying a Supply Convoy that the Russian army was greatly and eagerly awaiting the eural modal transport tracks which have long been used by the Russian army to transport its needs on the front line are of vital importance due to their duty to transport both military personel and ammunition soldiers of the 72nd Brigade were aware of the Strategic importance of these trucks and targeted and destroyed one of them just as it was being resupplied the transport truck was spotted in the Copans region in Haro blast and it was supposedly carrying am munition for the Russian troops who were in a different situation on the front line Ukrainian troops in the vicinity took action as soon as they located the truck and activated their drones after a short flight the drones are spotted to eural truck and the success of the operation was enhanced by the fact that the truck was detected when it was not moving the pilot of the Ukrainian drone carefully hovered over the truck and pressed a button waiting for the right moment when the bomb fell on the truck there was a huge explosion and the ammunition loaded inside the truck exp exploded with a loud bang amplifying the impact of the explosion the force of the explosion also severely damaged Russian tiger M and efov R Y Infantry vehicle in the vicinity of the truck putting them out of action the 72nd brigade’s attacks were not limited to this successful operation Brigade Personnel continued to use drones to destroy armored vehicles belonging to the Russian army after the destruction of the truck and the ammunition Convoy the drove and the drones in the area returned to their bases however after a short time they took off again for a new missions this time their target was the Russian armored vehicles this time the drones flew long range flight and headed towards the vunk and Karo blast in vunk a series of operations were carried out against the Russian armored vehicles in the area during these operations a Russian bmp2 ifv armored vehicle in the v CH was destroyed by the cluster bombs dropped from the Drone since the attack took place at a point far away from the Ukrainian troops it is also strengthened the claims that Russia’s air defenses had been pacified since the beginning of the war we have witnessed the repeated destruction of the Russian BMP armored vehicles which on the surface but may seem like a simple matter but given Russia’s deteriorating economy it is a serious financial burden the loss of these armored vehicles which have a high uh monetary value is a major blow to Russia both military and financially while these losses weaken the combat cap capability of the Russian army they also cause significant economic damage recently claims that Russia’s losses of armored vehicles have reached unbearable levels have been frequently voiced on the Russian telegram channel for the last week these channels have been sharing reports that Russia has shipped new tanks and armored vehicles to the France line although unconfirmed such reports provide serious clues about the current state of the Russian army and they attract attention It is believed that the new tank shipments are being made to compensate for losses at the front these allegations May indicate that the Russian Army is trying to compensate for its difficulties and losses at the front all these developments reveal the difficult situation Russia is in militarily and economically the heavy burden of the war has made the country’s current situation even more difficult and may have a negative impact on its future military operation and the Ukrainian Army’s resistance is paying off but right now it’s your turn what do you think How likely it is that the military aid the Ukrainian Army is receiving from the West will affect the outcome of the war could this Aid strengthen Ukraine’s resistance or how long do you think Russia can survive economically in the face of the international sanctions and what are the long-term effects of the sanctions on the Russian military let me know in the comments because you know that I read and I care a lot about all of your comments [Music] la

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  1. 🐹🍁Le ravitaillement est super important , toute les bon gΓ©nΓ©raux de l'histoire on toujours accordΓ© une attention particuliΓ¨re aux ravitaillement , cela peut dΓ©cidΓ© de la victoire ou la dΓ©faite , gloire a l'Ukraine πŸ’™πŸ’›

  2. Thank-you very much for your excellent πŸ‘ updates. All the Best To Ukraine Citizens And Military Serving In Your Great Nation πŸ™β€οΈβ€οΈ I Hope You Have A Safe Weekend πŸ™β€. "Lest We Forget"

  3. Basically: The weapons you have at the outset of a war are NOT the weapons you WIN with.

    The other main point is: The russians try to bring a lot of ammunition forward to the troops needing them. NOT INTELLIGENT! Ukraines resupply is either not produced yet or is far removed from the front line. This means Russia has an impossible task of blowing ammunition dumps up.
    There is not much idea in producing 20 grenades if:
    a) half of them are blown up in the depots:
    b) of the rest 9 out of 10 is used to bring discomfort to the cows in the field.
    I.e. only one in twenty rounds have a chance to hit something.

    The opposite philosophy is YOU pick the shells up as you need them.

    Dones have been hailed as "game changers" in a "game" that is constantly changing. There is nothing revolutionary about them.
    You have for more than 100 years used cheap aircraft as forward artillery observers to correct kanon fire. Now the forward observer does not use binoculars, but drones to get deeper into the enemy's front line – much safer (for the forward observer).

    I do not see it as problem with supplying ammution, as it is a problem to get newly produced gun to the front. You know the new type: The one that actually HIT.

    Russian supply organisations is to like carrying water to quench a fire in a garbage container. Spilling half of it on the way, then pouring half to water the plants and wash your hands – then finally you might consider putting some on the fire – which does not matter, as the fire has burned everything down.

  4. The longer this war goes on the better it is for the world. Not good for Ukraine for there losses. But every day Russia grows weaker military wise and soldier wise soon Russia will not have a military force with over 500,000 + killed or hurt. Russia has turned a lot of older soldiers looking at what has been captured or surrendered. Putin is losing at home as well as in Ukraine,

  5. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  6. My opinion is that Ukraine is doing a great job. Now what I don’t like I see a lot of Ukrainian people left already the country and they are in Romania Poland Germany even here in Canada. I spoke with them not one willing to go to fight. In this kind off battle the side which has more patience and resources will win.

  7. The Western Aide provided to Ukraine is vital to their success. Putin's military and economy are at a breaking thanks, in part, to the Aide provided by the Western Countries. Hopefully, Ukraine can bring an end to Putin's regime and war in the coming months.

  8. I think Ukraine needs to mobilize & train more troops asap because if Trump wins, he will cut a deal with Putin throwing Ukraine to the wolves. And cut off all aid.

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