Is this true Luigis, would you really take advantage of someone like that ?

Is this true Luigis, would you really take advantage of someone like that ?

by ergovobis

  1. In Italy, there are dozens of **documented** cases where public officials would just check in, go home or do whatever fuck they want, then come back to check out, over the course of **decades**, so yes, Hansl, it would do more damage to the Japanese economy than Godzilla did cumulatively in all the movies.

  2. I would finish a lot of books I still want to read and really enjoy those long lunches. Since there’s no tasks being neglected or any underperforming work, I would yearly urge my manager for my annual raise.

  3. here a public servant was paid regularly for 3 years without a single day of showing up for work.

    and where do I sign up for a position like this. it would’ve been my dream job.

  4. Gotta love the exact same story from every single PIGS member of _public servant goes years without working, keeps getting paid_ lmao

  5. Shit, this is the dream. Get a remote job, bring a laptop and milk that bitch as long as you possibly can.

  6. Ahh I see how it would work on the Japanese with their collectivist mindset and reliance on peer validation.

    Wouldn’t work on my selfish, individualistic, western ass though. I’d just bring some manga in to read or watch anime to help learn the language and remain productive in my own way 🙂

  7. Like with the whole Hikikomori thing, this kind of workplace harrassment happens in a lot of countries, but people use the Japanese name because Kawaii/ Senpai-san/ Ginyuu Tokusentai reasons.

  8. Holy shit is that true? I think I’ll submit a job application to Japan and never go

  9. If they did that to me, they’d have to pay me to quit.
    Live in a racist country, be seen as a potential weeb/creep/neet (maybe all at the same time) in exchange for an easy job, and no one talking to me while getting paid?
    Sign me tf up.

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