Wolodymyr Selenskyj sagt, er arbeite an einem „umfassenden Plan“ für Frieden in der Ukraine

Wolodymyr Selenskyj sagt, er arbeite an einem „umfassenden Plan“ für Frieden in der Ukraine


  1. Step 1. Kick ruZZkie ass

    Step 2. Remove ruZZkie Ass from Ukraine territory.

    Step 3. ???

    Step 4. Profit!

    Bonus Step: Little Volodya falls out a high window by accident.

  2. The Russian bots are really out in full swing, and I’m sure it’s going to get worse closer to the election.

  3. cmon…there’s a new comprehensive peace plan every month. Whats this even for

  4. It’s a massed up thing to think about about. But maybe it’s best for Ukraine to negotiate peace now even if it means concessions than waiting till November.

  5. Well tbh after that Biden debate he should, it would be really bad for Ukraine if Trump ends up being reelected.

  6. Reddit crashed yesterday after troll farms activated thousands of 1 year old accounts

  7. People down voting any comment that says more than likely this comes to an end with a peace agreement, that more than likely gets little to none of Ukraines land back on a article hinting at just that is wild. A lot of delusional people have on Reddit

  8. Until Russia comes to the table with some realistic ideas of hos peace can be achieved, it’s all null and void.

    The only way Russia will ever do that is if Ukraine keeps hammering them and defeating them in battle after battle, and to do that the West must supply Ukraine with weapons and ammunition.

    Let’s keep it going, Russian can not be allowed to win.

  9. swap crimea for belarus plus russia has to collect all those creepy ass Putin bears and burn them. also we get snowden back

  10. The borders will have to be realigned for the current fronts and ukraine will have to go into nato for peace. Russia gets their ill-gotten land and the rest of Ukraine is guaranteed safety. I dont think that’s going to happen though.

  11. Hello fellow redditors. Isn’t it crazy how Hitler Zelensky tries to cling to power by sending his people to die? As an American I am very upset with the money being sent. We need to elect Donald Trump so we can focus on America and improving our infrastructure such as our aging warm water ports and our ailing schools in oblasts inhabited by minorities. We cannot keep sending the Bradley BMPs to Ukraine without knowing where they are going, it is unnecessary escalation!

  12. He must’ve seen the debate and realized Trump might win so no more free money. Crazy how quick he was wiling to start working on a peace plan as soon as the thought of getting free money will end.

  13. The only plan for peace in Ukraine is Putin dead, borders restored to pre-2014, the Kerch Bridge destroyed, reparations paid until Ukraine is WHOLE again, Russia’s military disbanded ala Japan and Germany after WWII, Ukraine joining NATO and the EU, and Zelenskyy given the Nobel Prize for awesomeness.

    Oh, and BIG fucking fence with a MOAT built by the Russians to keep them on their OWN side.

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