Russia’s Most Dangerous Jets Are Parked In The Open A Hundred Miles From Ukraine. But Kyiv Needs Washington’s Permission To Strike Them. Voronezh Malshevo air base is off the target list for now.

Russia’s Most Dangerous Jets Are Parked In The Open A Hundred Miles From Ukraine. But Kyiv Needs Washington’s Permission To Strike Them. Voronezh Malshevo air base is off the target list for now.

by Woody_Fitzwell

  1. “**…Kyiv Needs Washington’s Permission To Strike Them** ***With U.S.-Made Weapons.***”

    Kyiv does *not* need Washington’s permission to strike the base with non U.S.-made weapons.

  2. Populistic shit of a article. Ukraine must have other barriers since not having bombed that airfield to the ground with drones. They easily hit refineries 800-900 km away from the border.

  3. Do what Horatio Nelson did at the Battle of Copenhagen, “I see no ships.”

    Just make sure the AFU person in command has a blind eye, “I see no aircraft.”

  4. Ah yes Forbes, the magazine that for years assured us that Donald Trump was a billionaire. That’s the quality of their so called Journalism.

  5. Nothing makes sense anymore. The bad guys are on a roll and the good guys are afraid of their shadows. And by bad guys, I mean Republican Senators.

  6. It’s alright let’s give the Russians months of warning to put the planes under concrete hangars

  7. I’d like to see the details that brought them to this conclusion. What would the US do if UKR targeted those air bases? Not say a word about it is my guess. Further, how would the US even know who provided those weapons? Send in a crack forensics team from the FBI? This smells like manipulation of public sentiment more than anything else.

  8. Ukraine should just hit them hard. The fact that this is in the news is already a big red flag, as in a last attempt from Ukraine to win the public opinion. A red flag as in the US is really restricting use of weapons. Sometimes I wonder what side Biden is on.

  9. It’s a military target or support of the war it can be hit with US made weapons . That is my understanding…

  10. If it were me, I would make them think they were safe, right up till the moment when they’re all exploding on the tarmac.

  11. There’s nothing worse than ROE when the other side has absolutely zero ROE.

  12. If Israel can do whatever tf they want why doesn’t Ukraine just go all out? Might as well as it looks like the orange wizard is coming back to help putler

  13. Interesting that this base even on google maps shows trenches dug surrounding the fighter jets.

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