SBU detains Russian agent preparing enemy breakthrough in Donetsk region [article]

SBU detains Russian agent preparing enemy breakthrough in Donetsk region [article]

by Geschichtsklitterung

  1. Excerpt:

    > *The Counterintelligence of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU CI) detained another Russian agent who was preparing a breakthrough of the invaders in Donetsk region and spying on the Defence Forces.*
    > According to Ukrinform, this was reported by the SBU press centre.
    > The special service noted that the suspect was reconnoitering the locations of personnel and heavy weapons of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Pokrovske direction, where continuous fighting continues.
    > […]
    > In April of this year, the man was remotely recruited by a Rosgvardia special forces officer who cooperates with Russian military intelligence. The SBU has already identified him.
    > The traitor came to the attention of the invaders as an active user of pro-Russian Telegram channels, where he posted his anti-Ukrainian comments.
    > […]
    > The offender is currently in custody. He faces life imprisonment.

  2. >The offender is currently in custody. He faces life imprisonment.

    “*What?* How is *that* fair?!” — The Ghost of Russell Bentley, suspected NATO spy, 2024

  3. Too bad Ukraine doesn’t have capital punishment …
    Maybe … if he tried to escape … 🤔

  4. I know wars and conflict are by their nature illogical but the fact that every week or so they expose some group or network of pro Russians makes no sense to me at all. It could be slightly understandable in the days before the invasion or prior to 2014 but these are the people who have been bombing your country and killing your neighbors and friends for the better part of two years and you do their dirty work FOR them?

    This guy deserves the death penalty just for stupidity.

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