View of an incoming FPV drone that fails to detonate and bounces

View of an incoming FPV drone that fails to detonate and bounces

by ButterscotchEmpty535

  1. I dont know why that beep after the boink is so fucking funny, but it is 🤣

  2. This is why you keep seeing those looped wire fuse on fpv drones, sometimes the regular impact fuse from other munitions just aren’t enough.

  3. I don’t think I would get another break like that, I’d be running home.

  4. It’s so terrifying how some 20 year old can use VR to guide a powerful munition to come screaming out of nowhere and leave you burning to death in a steel coffin.

  5. I’ve done that with my air hogs many times as a kid!

    Maybe not with live ordinance attached, but still.

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