EU holds its breath as Hungary’s Orban vows to ‘Make Europe Great Again’

EU holds its breath as Hungary’s Orban vows to ‘Make Europe Great Again’

by Saltedline

  1. He talks as if he has already built an economy in Hungary like in the USA

  2. The only thing he makes great is his second chin

    It must be said, its truly awesome to behold

  3. Hungary gets to preside the meetings for 6 months, whoop-de-doo.

    Dude thinks he’s an actual president, with power.

  4. Vows to take back Brussels, get worst EP election results since he started governing.
    His political opponents get accepted into the EPP, while his planted people get ousted from the EPP (KDNP).
    Wants to join Meloni and the other “conservatives”, is so toxic he gets rejected, he suspends the joining procedure saying “we didn’t want to join anyway”.
    Tries joining the other-other “conservatives”, even there he gets rejected.
    Last-ditch effort tries to form a new group with Piece of Shits from Poland, gets rejected there too.
    Scares old people that libleft will let NATO draft their kids, puts out gov’t paid ads for the military recruitment right after election results.
    Badmouths Stoltenberg 24/7, when Stoltenberg visits he’s suddenly “our chief of staff”.
    Vows to never support Rutte, ends up supporting Rutte.
    Doesn’t want war, advocates peace, yet will send Hungarian soldiers to Chad and make 800 million HUF disappear in thin air so his little gay sonny can play nepobaby commander.

    MEGA my ass, SAOE (Steal All of Europe) all the way.

  5. Our politicians mastered the art of talking about problems and not dealing with them.

    Instead of doing something to stop Orban’s disruptive behavior we let him take up a role we all know he’ll try to use to mess up things even more.

    Stop him instead of talking about what he has done, is or will be doing.

    The question should not be what is he going to do but why isn’t he being prevented from being able to do anything at all?

  6. Which raises the question, was it ever great prior to their entry into the EU?  

    Already during Franz Jozef’s time it was an underdeveloped pain in the ass.

  7. Just want to send a big kiss to all the people who keep voting for these buffons, orban, trump, putin, xi, all those idiots who just want to piss and shit on democracy.

    You guys are stupid, there is no other explanation and I wish you all get anal leakage for life.

  8. Europe is great and is getting greater every day with more lgbt rights and fighting for a free and green tommorow. What idiots.

  9. “Give me ten years and you won’t recognize Germany” is the quote he’s looking for I think.

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