Trucks don’t survive long at the front, and APCs are in short supply, so this is what Russia is making do with now: Motorcycles and sidecars awaiting delivery to Russian forces.

Trucks don’t survive long at the front, and APCs are in short supply, so this is what Russia is making do with now: Motorcycles and sidecars awaiting delivery to Russian forces.

by lacqueredcase762

  1. LMAO. Using a red cross symbol that they don’t even recognize on the battlefield. Oh the irony. Knowing the Russians, they will just use the “red cross” vehicles to transport arms and military supplies. Hiding behind a medical symbol – sounds Just like a terrorist group we know in the middle east.

  2. Wow, they found a few Wehrmacht BMW’s with sidecars and air cooled boxer engines. Orcs plundering museums now.

  3. No other fucking military is doing this shit right now and Russia is going this and we see in drones how easy pickings these are god lee man what a shitty way going out

  4. The New Upgraded Vodka Delivery System, or maybe just use the acronym NUVDS !!!

  5. Theyve been making these for years. Really popular with the WW2 reenactor crowd.

  6. Its not completly stupid. I heard story from Polish guy fighting for UA. His another polish friend bleed out because they needed to carry him for 2 km on their foots. He was collecting money for quad to avoid such situation in future.

  7. > APCs are in short supply

    Let’s make it so with their motorcycle supply too! Slave Ukraini!

  8. Lmfao, what shitty bikes! Can’t wait to see some sorry sap get launched from the sidecar from a landmine 🤣

  9. I saw some too the other week, I was at the d-day 80year anniversary celebration in Normandy

  10. They haven’t started handing out roller skates yet, so there’s that….

  11. So… 48 hours ‘training’, given a bike and sent to the front. Very efficient way of reducing your population.

  12. Didn’t we see one of these try and rush a Ukrainian position and get blown to bits?

  13. Hey it doesn’t have the cope cage, that makes a drone explode 30cm from your face. As opposed to right in your face.

  14. Be interesting what comes out for next years victory Parade…At this rate, crews will be walking, If they have any

  15. Good to see they cut out the middle man and made the sidecars coffin sized.

  16. This is not possible. It’s a video from some battle reenactment. Or it’s fake. No way they actually use BMW R75 sidecar. I have to reject the claim, it’s too preposterous!

  17. On r/ukrainerussiareport the Russian invasion supporters are coping with this development by saying that the motorcycles with sidecars ars ideal because they are fast and can outrun a drone lol.

  18. Wtf… Dnepr M-72 from WW2.


    They should start using mothballed BT-7 tanks. LOL

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