What my wife got me for my birthday

What my wife got me for my birthday

by STerrier666

  1. Happy birthday hope you have a great day. It’s my birthday too πŸ‘πŸΌ

  2. That’ll make for a great birthday Saturday, mate. Hope you have a good yin πŸ‘ πŸŽ‚

  3. Great when your partner knows what you like and buys gifts accordingly. Happy birthday fella!🍰🎢🍷

  4. I had that shirt first time round and every one took the piss because it wasn’t the true blue Scotland shirt.πŸ˜”

  5. I got that strip last year. And at Xmas my wife got me matching Bawbags boxers. Didn’t bring us any luck against the Gerry’s though 😭

  6. I was given the original top for my 21st birthday by the guys I worked with. πŸ˜ƒ Damn I’m old 😞

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