Russians teach their populous follow dumb orders

Russians teach their populous follow dumb orders

by see4u

  1. And why do they use American cars, the exponent of the decadent West and an oppressive world order?

  2. Congratulations comrade. You have right stuff to join next conscriptovich meat wave. Take these fish heads to babushka for making thank you goodbye soup.

  3. Now how do we make this a viral challenge so the Russian Army saves us the trouble of wiping them out? Maybe they should make a new one where Russians soldiers prove their daring and prowess by playing catch with armed personnel mines…

  4. Jfc, even russia’s *police cars* are stolen from the West.

    Has any russian ever *legally* obtained a car?

  5. Good video. It proved to myself that I am still capable of empathy for ordinary Russians. I felt genuine worry for his health while watching that. I’m also gald someone else has commented that he is OK (well at least “survived”).
    So refreshing after watching orcs getting dismembered and immolated and only thinking, “not long before he will be one more good russian”

  6. This russian video is at least as russian as the russian video of the russian BTR running over a russian soldier during a russian parade.

  7. I’m surprised they even wearing any protective gear. What a ridiculous thing to do get people to lie down as cars on 2 wheels drive over them with no sight and very little control. Lunacy. FOR THE MOTHERLAND!

  8. Looks like the driver didn’t Focus. But human lives are cheap in russia, they can afFord this loss.

  9. Damn….bet that was a NATO, gay, nazi satanist driving….poor russian being attacked while they mind their own business 🤡

  10. Don’t worry. It was a female officer under the car. Her bones are much less dense and will heal quicker.

  11. If the Ukrainians attack with a car on two wheel slowly gong down the street the Ruzzians are prepared to stop it with one policeman and the others are able to give a 30 Rubel ticket. Additionally the exhaust of the Ukrainian drone car is damaged by police man’s head . I don’t think ukrain can’t survive those damages for a long time .

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