‘Stanley Johnson caused our flight to be cancelled’ say BA passengers

‘Stanley Johnson caused our flight to be cancelled’ say BA passengers


by lighthouse77

  1. He is a Johnson, he can do whatever he wants. They can party during COVID while normal people can’t have a proper funeral to say goodbye to a loved one.

    And, allegedly, get your illegitimate daughter a nice cushy ladyship in the House of Lords.

  2. Honestly, I’m no Tory but when the people you interview can’t keep their own story straight, it’s terrible journalism to report it anyway.

    “because ***so many*** passengers wanted to get off”

    “as Stanley Johnson decided he wanted to get off – **along with another passenger** – we subsequently missed the slot”

    “It left **99.5 per cent of passengers** with a bitter taste.”

    So, was it Stanley Johnson and one person he was with or was it so many people that they couldn’t continue the plan?

    Not to mention, if any journalist is interviewing a literal witness for their input on what happened in an incident then their witness account shouldn’t start with “apparently”. Honestly, journalism has gone so far down the toilet that it’s embarrassing to read. Imagine being a journalist and genuinely thinking “well, I think there’s probably a story here, I’ll ask someone who was there to tell me more about it and when they make clear that they don’t know because they didn’t actually witness it and their understand of events is an ‘apparently’ and, also, what they’ve told me is contradictory, I won’t bother to investigate further and will publish it anyway”.

  3. Sucks if your car was parked at Gatwick I guess, but it’s not like he _totally_ ruined anyone’s holiday, as the headline implied.

  4. So they diverted to Heathrow instead of Gatwick. BA wanted to sit around waiting at Heathrow with everybody in the plane and wait for Gatwick to reopen. Why didn’t they just let everybody off at Heathrow and arrange free transportation to Gatwick for passengers who needed to go to specifically to Gatwick.

    Yeah no shit, if a plane diverts to another airport serving the _same city_ passengers are going to want to get off…

  5. Stanley Johnson caused most of the problems in Britain by failing to keep his zip done up several decades ago.

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