Drilling holes for curtain bar

I want to drill holes to hang curtains in my living room. I have bought the curtains and this hanger from IKEA.

Considering the height of curtains, I need to drill holes in the upper portion of the ceiling. One side would be directly in the corner. The metal detector app shows a strong signal in the corner.

Is it to be avoided? How people hang curtains in such rooms designed this way?

by mammoth-potential-24

1 comment
  1. Check from outside building if it’s a structural column (as it looks like). If there is a basement, it will be easy to identify. Normally, plumbing pipes don’t run inside columns, and columns do contain steel, so metal detectors won’t be wrong. Better check piping also in the basement if it’s by any chance nearby.

    Use short length fixtures to avoid any mishap

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