The real Western Europe?

The real Western Europe?

by norrin83

  1. No. That would mean that parts of Eastern Europe are Western, and that’s simply not true. No way that any part of Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, Czechia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia or Estonia is in Western Europe.

  2. a whole island run by Italians? that’s a saw trap in the new movie i think.

  3. No Jobs, if you study there are no companies to apply so you have to leave for the north, the only jobs you find are manual and without legal contracts. No infrastructure, no proper roads, no fully functioning public transport, to go from Catania to Trapani the train takes from 10 to 16 hours (source trenitalia site), compared to Milano Paris that is around 9. But hey! Soon we’re getting a bridge connecting us to the mainland, that will fix everything 😎

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