SpaceX erhält Erlaubnis zur Zerstörung der Internationalen Raumstation

SpaceX erhält Erlaubnis zur Zerstörung der Internationalen Raumstation

  1. “NASA said the agency is transitioning to “commercially owned space destinations closer to home”” reads like satire

  2. Unfortunately we’ll probably never see another multinational (especially with Russia) scientific endeavor quite like the ISS in our lifetime. Instead we’ll be stuck with SpaceX Station, Blue Origin Station, etc.

  3. The de-orbiting vehicle NASA will command to tow the ISS into the ocean or break up in the atmosphere is being built.

    I found it most interesting that many companies plan to launch space stations.

  4. “SpaceX, Axiom, Blue Origin, and Vast are developing commercial space stations that could launch next year.”

    I hope they can agree on charger cord choice. That would be a shitshow otherwise.

  5. Hard to believe an end of era is approaching.

    ISS is an amazing achievement of cooperation with multiple countries that now have become adversary rather than partner in space. Never again the world will see cooperation like this repeated again at least in my lifetime.

  6. I feel like there will be someone, somewhere, in 2030 that wished they had space debris coverage on their insurance.

  7. I hope they change their mind and boost it to a higher parking orbit. The ISS is an irreplaceable historical artifact.

    Indiana Jones: “It belongs in a museum!”

  8. They should get all the astronauts back to earth, then strap a jet booster on it and send it into the fucking sun.

  9. Could we not attach some instruments to it to send us back info and then push it off into space?

  10. I don’t think people realize how horrible this is. There will never be another space station in orbit. It’s simply too expensive to build another one.

  11. They should take the opportunity and make an action scifi movie or sth and film the destruction

  12. Does NASA have permission from Russia to bring down the Russian portion of ISS?

    Given huge costs to lift materials to orbit, is there any part that can be salvaged?
    Solar cell arrays, even if no longer highest efficiency?
    Canada arm?

    Can the steel components be cut or melted & reformed as needed?

  13. Incorrect headline as usual. SpaceX is hired to build a spacecraft capable of deorbiting the ISS. The actual mission isn’t planned yet. And NASA would control the deorbit, not SpaceX. The Russian Progress vehicle is capable of doing it, but Russia is not trustworthy.

  14. “Wanker sensationalist headline from irrelevant Murdoch news company” would be a better headline.

  15. Impressive how actual quality articles behind a paywall get blocked, but prime clickbait like this is perfectly fine

    The right title would be “NASA awards contract for International Space Station end-of-life deorbit”

  16. How deeply and profoundly depressing. If the ISS needs to be decomissioned, fine. But it not having a replacement, and private entities filling the gap, is such a huge step backwards for humanity.

  17. With Enron Musk’s experience with destroying Twitter and now Tesla, destroying the ISS is clearly best given to Mr Enron Musk. No one else has his special talents.

  18. I still say they should just push this thing to the moon and use it as a staging ground or spare parts for the moon base lol.

    I don’t know if truly feasible, but it seems like a waste.

  19. Between the SCOTUS and this shit? I hate this world. If my wife could live without me I would go.

  20. Given the quality and priorities of engineering of SpaceX and Boeing, I think someone at NASA got the paperwork mixed up when they handed out the contracts for one to reliably doc to the space station then return home and the other to make the space station crash in the ocean.

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