Ukrainain drone captures a video of a “Russian Zombie”

Ukrainain drone captures a video of a “Russian Zombie”

by SpookyKIDo

  1. There’s an error in the title of this Post.

    The word “russian” is redundant.

  2. Shaun and Ed will be throwing their record collection at this one in no time

  3. Probably got left for dead and then woke up a few days later. He’s no longer a threat but if I were a drone pilot i’d put him out of his misery as an act of mercy.

  4. The ripped helmet cover indicates he got peppered with scrapnel to his face. Possibly knocked him out and now he’s dazed and confuzed with possibly impaired vision and hearing.

    Must be fucking frightening for the Russian soldier being totally helpless wandering around on a battlefield littered with UXO and mines with drones loitering overhead knowing TCCC and medevac is a foreign concept to the Russian military.

    And this is also the exact reason most NATO armies issued eye protection to their soldiers since the early 2000s.

  5. You can see a gaping hole about the size of a golf ball center of his forehead between eyebrows. I bet he’s functioning on limited mental ability due to TBI. So yes, a Zombie we can call it.

  6. At this point I just want this war to stop. The mad politicians who give orders are not the one who suffer. Putin needs to pull his troops out of other’s nation border to end this madness.

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