Missing Dillon Duffy found safe and with his dad in hotel ahead of return home

Missing Dillon Duffy found safe and with his dad in hotel ahead of return home


by chrissatchell

  1. I recently posted about Dillon going missing, so it’s great to hear he’s been found safe.

  2. As much as it’s none of my business, I always want to know what it is that leads up to people going like that.

  3. Interesting that his mum wanted to withdraw funds from the GoFundMe that was setup earlier this week…. I dunno make’s you wonder!!

  4. There’s clearly a massive back story here, which is absolutely none of our business, but I’m sure there’s a lot that’s happened in the past. 

    The police are not normally worried about an 18 year old who goes to London with his dad. 

  5. So from this statement,Dillon had a dirty weekend in the hotel room with his dad?

  6. Dillon was found because he turned on his phone and saw he was all over the news, felt guilty and found the Facebook group searching for him. This was 3 days ago according to him, then last night plucked up the courage to post in the Facebook group. He had a gambling habit that had spiralled and felt trapped. Luckily his dad had just gone back down to London to continue looking and was able to go and get him.

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