Russia’s latest crime in Mariupol: stealing property – It is seizing homes in order to consolidate control

Russia’s latest crime in Mariupol: stealing property – It is seizing homes in order to consolidate control

by BkkGrl

  1. They took the home of a coworker of mine. A FSB officer moved in with his family.

  2. Crazy how this absolutely anti-human policy isn’t talked about outside of Ukraine more.

    Russia not only destroyed the whole city, bombing it for months akin to Dresden… They have not only tortured and killed not sufficiently pro-russian citizens there… They have not only stolen tens of thousands of children…

    Russia also is stealing land and property of those who are glad that Russia occupied their city, and killed their neighbors. Practically evicting them from their Mariupol by selling their homes to Russians from Moscow.

    ‘Ruskiy mir’ in all its glory. Akin to how in 1940 and onwards the Ukrainian population from Polish occupied territories, or recently bordering Poland, were evicted to the far east of Asia to Siberia, and instead Russian families were brought.

  3. I hope that  the people who are doing war crimes in Ukraine will face a court

  4. There was a Zolkin’s interview with a russian tank commander: he told that his commander told him which house to turn into dust and which not, because his commander wanted to move there with his family after the town was conquered.

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