Top-notch names

Top-notch names

by billybwoy

  1. Amateurs, where are Addolorata (painful), Inferma (ill) and Crocefissa (crucified)?

  2. I had sex with a Dolores 10 years ago. That’s it, that’s my input to this post, nothing more, nothing less.

  3. Martirio – Martyrdom,

    Concepción – Conception,

    Encarnación – Incarnation,

    Amparo – Protection,

    Socorro – Help,

    Remedios – Remedies,

    Olvido – Forgot,

    They come from “Virgen del…” Virgen del Socorro

  4. Jesusa Maria de la Santa Dominga de la Santissima Trinidad de la Nuestra Señora de Conceptíon

  5. Josefina! = “thin Joseph”. 🤦 It’s just a female variant of Joseph, and not “un Jose fino”

  6. Josephine exists in English, and Dolores is best translated as “sorrows”, it comes from Our Lady of Sorrows.

  7. Also Pilar. I’m Croatian and this one is particually funny to me because in Croatian language, pilar is a dude who works in a saw mill.

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