Nordkoreanische Truppen in der Ukraine wären „Kanonenfutter“, sagt das Pentagon

Nordkoreanische Truppen in der Ukraine wären „Kanonenfutter“, sagt das Pentagon

  1. at least they’d get some food to eat before the canons uh… foddered them

  2. That’s the plan.

    Then North Korea could declare war on Ukraine and drop a nuke on Kyiv. And it won’t be Russia nuking Kyiv.

  3. this is probably true but i do fear it would be like when the Chinese entered the Korean war.

  4. Kim can’t feed the soldiers he has now. Off to the cull they go. You’ll know them by their morbidly inadequate bodyweight and comically oversized officer caps.

  5. This would be a shocking development if confirmed. The international implications are huge.

  6. Well of course, you don’t think they get better treatment than the Russians get themselves

  7. Ironically those soldiers have a higher likelihood of survival on the battlefield in Ukraine than at home in North Korea. I hope as many as possible can surrender and defect.

  8. I mean, it’s 100% true, but it’s not like North Korean leaders care. The North Korean troops will never hear this to begin with, and the Russians are happy for them to be cannon fodder.

  9. Of course they would. Look how they treat their different ethnic groups in Russia. They’ve been used as cannon fodder for the past two years. How do you think Russia will use non-Russian Asian foreign soldiers? They will be used as meat puppets.

    My hope is that many of them revolt, kill their officers, surrender and request asylum in the West. Asylum on the grounds of political persecution or somthing like that.

  10. I mean, the Russians are used as cannon fodder. It’s the Russian warfare model. 

  11. Yeah, I’m sure that’s the point. However, it probably would be a boon overall for North Korea’s military, and that’s something to keep in mind if they do send combat troops.

    One of the most common themes from North Korean defectors is that their military trains harsh discipline all the time, but has no experience doing anything actually combat-related. All their institutional knowledge is decades out of date and they have no idea how to deal with many modern innovations like drones and stealth aircraft. Having any surviving troops come back from Ukraine with the ability to share lessons learned would be a huge boon for them.

  12. I would deploy them on the border north east of Kharkiv, the wooded terrain there would be very useful for NK special forces to infiltrate, very similar to where they would fight in Korea, leveraging their high level training and skill set. It would also give them superb combat experience against NATO trained and equipped forces.

    Just deploying a large contingent of NK military on the border “for training exercises” would force Ukraine to move even more of their badly needed manpower to this area. If even a handful of NK SF’s started to do probing attacks they’d tie down an exponentially greater force, as they did in South Korea.

    Ukraine would have to deploy thousands just to keep out 10 guys, so to speak. And they would still get butchered, because NK SFs are really scary. And the NKs can call in strikes at any time from “Russian” supporting units, while if Ukraine shoots back they risk hitting NK troops inside of Russia, provoking NK. This strategy would also work great on the Belarus border.

    Alternatively NK forces could be for rearguard duties, guarding positions inside of Russia or Crimea, deploying their own air defense systems for real world testing. And of course any drone operators would be invaluable, able to do recon or attack runs from a safe distance while testing weapons and tactics to gain experience.

    I assume NATO units have been active in Ukraine covertly since 2014, but this could actually lead to South Korea also sending their own. It could kick off an entire covert war within an overt war.

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