Ukraine gets 3 Patriot systems from Netherlands, Romania, Germany

Ukraine gets 3 Patriot systems from Netherlands, Romania, Germany

Ukraine gets 3 Patriot systems from Netherlands, Romania, Germany

by Straight_Ad2258

  1. There’s a lot of people(Russia shills) in Romania complaining about us giving 1 billion dollars to Ukraine “for free”. But I am happy that those missiles get to be used for their intended purpose rather than rotting away in storage.

  2. A reminder that generic domain websites like “” are often a front for Russian fake news. For example this title is true but the article conveniently leads the reader to the much more openly pro-Russian conspiracy website “ZeroHedge”.

    Also the website has literally no affiliation with the Bulgarian Military.

    Something that is characteristic of post-2022 Russian propaganda is that they will always use one or more levels of indirection. Nobody trusts Russian sources so they will conveniently make up “Bulgarian” or “Turkish” sources to push their lies. It takes less than $20 to buy “” and setup WordPress with a news website theme and a plugin that automatically fetches news from other websites.

  3. A 4th Patriot System from Germany? At this point where does this money even come from? They committed to 8 billion € in the already strained government budget for 2024 and are apparently blowing past that figure. Next government budget crisis coming, they barely survived the one in 2023.

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