Tolkien was British…

Tolkien was British…

by windycalm

  1. I can take Europeans mocking our food, but when it comes from Americans I get defensive. Their food is absolute shite and measuring things in ‘cups’ is for toddlers.

  2. As said, Europeans can dunk on our food as much as they want. But Am*r*cans can fuck off back to Narnia with their E number cancer inducing “Food”.

  3. I have an opposing view on this. The Americans do have bonafide cuisine. We can’t say “they stole the pizza” if we accept a Japanese hallmark – Tonkatsu – isn’t a post WW2 miscommunication on what a “Weiner Schnitzel” is (true story btw).

    The Americans do good work with the meats. Their pizza is better than the Italian pizza. They do the best German burgers and the best French fries.

    Their chocolate is poor. So, very rare Belgian and Swiss wins.

    Ill take a level of criticism from the French, Spanish and Italians, because they have deservedly globally lauded cuisines.

    The rest of you Europeans can fuck off, our cuisine is better than yours. How a Dutch or German is not bursting out laughing when typing to the contrary is astounding.

    I’m off to McDonalds.


  4. The fuck is supposed to be rare about that insult?

    bRiTisH fOoD tAsTeS bAd aNd lOokS bLaNd

    Yeah bro we know you’re poor and can only afford beans on toast, which is a fucking snack.

  5. This actually suggests Tolkien was fully conscious of good food. As we know, the best cooks are PIGS (plus French) which as we also all know, are the homelands of diminutive men. It fully aligns.

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