‘Sergei’ from the popular British ‘Compare The Meerkat” advert stands trial for war crimes today.

The popular British sensation was pictured laughing in old “1945” pictures of Soviet soldiers moving through Berlin.

Armed forces did a sweep of the meerkats’ den to reveal old memorabilia of the Second World War such as an old whiskey flask with an inscription that read ‘By hammer and sickle – Revenge shall be ours – for Russian spirit has never been brittle” his accomplice “Alexander” is also under investigation.

by Big-Sheepherder-9492

  1. He has refused council from a Wombat who claims to know Oleg and is related to Alexander, the Wombat has claimed to “have binge-watched several series of law and order, so they have a rough idea of what to do in thus lawyer stuff”

  2. The wombat took it to far I bet, I was wondering why Australia wasn’t on the map anymore… he left the memorabilia there, then Sergei blew up australia before he was caught

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