„Wir müssen anfangen …“: Putin fordert, Russland solle mit der Produktion verbotener Raketen beginnen – News18

„Wir müssen anfangen …“: Putin fordert, Russland solle mit der Produktion verbotener Raketen beginnen – News18


  1. Putin say Russia need to start producing banned nuclear weapons when he lack the means to do so.

    The guy is hopeless.

  2. Oh no. Not the intermediate range missiles that Russia definitely can produce on its own.

  3. Russia violated INF treaty for at least 20 years now. It’s such a superfluous topic to write about. What do you think they use to strike Ukraine from the Caspian Sea? Kamikadze pigeons?

  4. All Russia has is missiles, and that’s a *good thing*. When the US made the SR-71 Russia decided to try and catch up, thats where the Mig-25 and then the Mig-31 came from. America in response to the Mig-25 built the F-15, a first. America never copied Russian aircraft (ostensibly) till that dude defected with a Mig-25 and America realized it’s barley held together by Russian “hopes and dreams”. Russia realized Americans overtook them in the “plane game” so they switched to missiles after that one I can’t remember the name of got to speeds that could take out the SR-71. Then Russia switched to, “all missiles and only missiles”, completely forgetting that missiles are easily taken out so long as you can track their direction and speed. Which America is good at. So, even those “hypersonic” missiles Russia thought would be their, ‘wonder weapons”, got blown out of the sky. That’s why all those Russian scientists died, they lied about their effectiveness because if they didn’t Putler would kill them. Then Russia showed the entire world stage they only have a parade military, not a real one. 

    Russia is *weak*… 

  5. Please do. Switch your entire production to weapons that can’t be effectively used in Ukraine.

  6. As if international treaties and rules meant anything to russia in the first place.

  7. I wouldn’t mind if Russia somehow ceased to exist. Criminal mafia state, nothing other than oil, torture and alcoholism ever came out of that country.

  8. With what, stolen washing machine parts?

    Where, in their burning military factories?

    As always, the idiot coward lies most when he’s at his weakest.

    Duck Putin and duck ruzzia.

  9. Has there been a law they have not broken yet? Murder, terrorism, torture, rape, abduction, chemical weapons, looting, genocide, unlawful targets, wanton destruction among a few to name, and now banned missiles, whatever that means.

  10. Yawn… you all forget about MIRV’s. Once in space they would be very difficult to intercept.

  11. i would be highly surprised if they did not already start production last year or earlier. they wont care about treaties, i international condemnation or sanctions.

    mr putain makes decisions first, and then uses media to either soften the own public up in their response, or to justify the decision.

    just like we have seen before.

    Slava Ukraine, Fuck Putain and have a nice day

  12. They need Iranian drones and North Korean soldiers to even continue their illegal war in Ukraine. The emperor has no clothes.

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