Ukraine: Solar installations explode in the face of bombardment

Ukraine: Solar installations explode in the face of bombardment

Ukraine: Solar installations explode in the face of bombardment

by Straight_Ad2258

  1. solar power is for energy production during wartime what the Javelin is for destroying tanks: decentralized, impossible to stop,easy to learn how to use

  2. What a dishonest negative-sounding clickbait title for an actual good news article.

    When you say something “explodes” because of bombardment in war, nobody is going to think it means “explode” in the euphamistic sense of “a sudden increase in popularity” like they mean here.

    They knew what they were doing there.

  3. Great business opportunity for China.
    Support Russia in bombing Ukraine, sell solar cells to Ukraine, paid by EU money.

  4. The best thing about Solar Farms is that they’re so cheap as a source of power, it will often the cost of munitions Vs the coat to replace puts you at a net loss. Amazing stuff.

  5. Better title suggestion:

    “Resilience in Renewables: Ukraine Boosts Solar Energy Amidst Power Struggles”

  6. Damn, for a brief instant my brain couldn’t properly translate the title and I thought it was about a solar installation exploding due to bombardment.

    Then I saw the cheerful comments and reprocessed the title 😅

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