Tories highly alarmed by network of pro-Russian Facebook pages interfering in UK election

Tories highly alarmed by network of pro-Russian Facebook pages interfering in UK election

by Cult_of-Personality

  1. If only they had the ability in the past 10+ years to do something about it.

    But alas, they were powerless. Whoever was on government should be ashamed at the lack of safeguards in place

  2. Shame they weren’t ‘alarmed’ when all the commie pro-brexit propaganda was doing the rounds pre-refurendum.

  3. They weren’t afraid at all while taking donations from Kremlin, though, huh?

    What a bunch of shortsighted losers, not only fucked up the country but can’t even handle the elections…

  4. A whole bunch of Reform supporters I’ve never seen before have descended on my local Facebook pages. All saying the same things, all with the same Reform Party profile picture.

  5. It’s not like they were specifically called out for failing to investigate Russian interference in the Brexit vote by the Intelligence and Security Committee in the Russian Report four years ago…how could they have known it would happen (to them)? / s

  6. Oh NOW they are worried. Now they are not working towards Brexit or helping the Tories. Scum.

  7. Of course they are….

    Now that they’re no longer interfering on behalf of the conservative party.

  8. They weren’t alarmed by Russian involvement in the campaign. Or the Russian donations to the Conservative Party. Or the Russian agent Boris put in the House of Lords.

    They’re just salty because their favourite sugar daddy is now sleeping with their supposed rival

  9. The reform party is useful for both Russia and the Tories ; even if the Tories are at risk of losing votes.

    Reform acts as magnet for attention especially when the media looks into its links with racism and associations with Russia and Russian disinformation.

    While everyone is worrying about Russian influence and reform. They are failing to draw their attention there has been long standing concerns with the Tories and some of the comfortable associations with Russian magnates and the regulatory environment where the Tories have weakened independent bodies involved with monitoring elections (election commission )and legislation involving the financial sector.

  10. They have a few days left to do something about it. Might as well go out on a high

  11. Well this is a surprise said no-one, especially after the Brexit campaign. But only now is it a problem for them.

  12. And TikTok? There’s a huge amount of propaganda with fake news, bot comments, the lot.

  13. Ohhh … a lot of things, enquiries will done AFTER the election, when it doesn’t matter anymore.

  14. Ok, so NOW they’re interested in Russian interference.

    Should have probably paid attention to it in 2014…

  15. I dont think the Tories or ANY Brexit supporting parties have the right to be concerned about Russian influence on UK politics. If you dig even 1cm on Reform posts you will find most of them are AI driven bots.

    To be blunt Reform might as well wear Russian flags, that is how Russian influence that party is

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