Zelensky Making “Comprehensive Plan” to End Ukraine’s War With Russia

Zelensky Making “Comprehensive Plan” to End Ukraine’s War With Russia

[Music] spe for [Music] [Music] I’m confident that together together we will ensure the result the first and the second peace Summits should unite our joint work on the details of Peace we are at a war and we don’t have time for prolonged work moving to peace means acting fast preparations will take months not years so when the action plans for peace are ready and when every step is worked out the path will be opened for the second pce Summit and thus for ending this war for a just and Lasting peace [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] on20 World Cup B move across to the West can you expect this hello I’m Alex coming to you from South Africa today we have a special start with an report on India shifting nuclear for the first time since India became a nulear hello and welcome to First P America I’m Eric ham coming to you live from the nation’s capital in Washington DC [Music]

Zelensky Making “Comprehensive Plan” to End Ukraine’s War With Russia

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said that he is preparing a “comprehensive plan” to end war with Russia. He will put forward a “detailed plan” in a month’s time. He said that it is important to show Russia that majority of the world backs Ukraine’s peace plan. The remarks were made during talks between Ukrainian & Slovenian President Musar in Kyiv. The two leaders met to discuss preparation for a second peace summit. Earlier this month, Zelensky hosted a major two-day international summit in Switzerland with officials & leaders from over 90 countries. The majority of attendees backed Ukraine and called for respecting its “territorial integrity”.

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  1. Typical lying politician, suddenly faces the prospect of losing his position as leader, after allowing 13,000 citizens to be publicly executed by Azovs for 8 years. Russia steps in after 2 failed Minsk agreements, and decides to protect eastern ukrainians from Azov shelling. So he has lost eastern ukraine to Russia, and lost access to $27 Trillion worth of Natural resources, so NATO have had enough and are gunna cease support after Zelelensky wastes these last lot of resources. Besides all that, USA is more worried about Taiwan, and Israel.

  2. You wasted life and Family because of your Ego's and by Following the Whispers from the Idiot leadership of Biden..I hope another Idiot from South East Asia Marcos would learn from Zelensky's failures…The only winner in these Stupid wars are the Military Industrial Establishment from ?????God Knows

  3. Ukraine should know, war is never won with requisitioned weapons and help from other countries, it would be better if Ukraine, accept the conditions set by Russia & surrenders to ends the war before it's too late.

  4. Celestial at The Master's Prophecy Blog has predicted that Russia with Ukraine, and China with Taiwan will attack the USA in a surprise blitz.

  5. His plan will include the complete withdrawal of Russian influence from Crimea and the two SE oblasts invaded in 2014. It will be forced by the appearance in the field of F16s and military application of advanced weapons previously banned from use by their western suppliers to avoid escalation and being drawn in. The use of these additional military forces will not require western input, being solely wielded by trained Ukrainian forces.

    Russia, which has no viable allies, is running out of men and materiel, money and markets will have no choice but to withdraw. A Versailles-type Treaty requiring unpayable reparations, that ended WW1 but led to WW2, will not be involved.

  6. Correction:- US Democrat Party and NATO draw plan to end the war as chances of trump becoming the president are huge. better to end the war before he cuts their supplies.

  7. This guy should be held responsible for dragging his country down this road we predicted this end at the beginning of the war. Such a waste , such a shame.

  8. No no no, dont do it Russia. Its not the time to peace but to double Down. Its war of attrition dont give the enemy time to Think. Go all in. Its vital !

  9. Ukraine will have to surrender parts of its occupied territories and withdraw from joining the UN – they can say this is for the immediate future or whatever, but the truth is this a war of attrition meaning a military strategy in which one side tries to cause the other to lose so many soldiers and to have so much military equipment destroyed that the enemy forces are worn down until they collapse. The side that has more resources (soldiers and military equipment) usually wins. Ukraine was never supposed to win let alone last this long.

  10. How sad…….millios of people are suffered…..the damage has done…..pride is the root cause of our suffeeing……in this what we called wolrd…

  11. I think that there is no peace as long as there are Ukrainian soldiers, there is no peace very simply, the West will keep sending weapons as long as the Ukrainians are able to fight.

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