Average Danish conversation

Average Danish conversation

by turbo_triforce

  1. I was seeing this post and I hoped it was posted in r/2westerneurope4u before realizing I’m browsing this sub.

  2. lol… when i watched the handball euro at beginning of the year the tv guys heldt a mic into the game breaks when the coach was speaking to the players. reminds me of what i heard. don’t hear danes often though.

  3. I think there’s only one food item that could make a person sound like that. Guess where it’s from…

  4. It’s Hans Christian Andersens beautiful fairytale of the little mermaid spoken in its native language

  5. I understand this kind of shit talking from non Nordicks, but it’s absolutely hilarious seeing it from other Nordicks, because you mopes need to take a good, long listen to yourselves. Yes, our language most certainly isn’t an aesthetic one. And yes, it’s probably the worst of the Nordic languages. But all of you other Nordicks sound absolutely ridiculous and goofy, no exceptions. None. And that goes for when you speak English as well. You lot are delusional.

    Edit: I forgot to consider the peeps in the North Atlantic (a regular occurrence). While they’re not great either, both Faroese and Icelandic are way better than the other Nordick languages.

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