Sri Lanka fordert Entschädigung für seine getöteten und verwundeten Bürger, die in der russischen Armee gedient haben

Sri Lanka fordert Entschädigung für seine getöteten und verwundeten Bürger, die in der russischen Armee gedient haben

  1. Russians pay out $30k per body. Sri Lanka making waves over half a million dollars? Wow they must be broke!

    Interestingly, Sri Lanka does not raise objection to its citizens being sent to war, they just want cash.

  2. Does that means Sri Lanka is officially involved in ruzzian invasion? Maybe they should also share some sanctions?

  3. Don’t contract to join an invasion of an innocent autonomous nation if you don’t want to get got. It’s their own fault. Don’t swing if you don’t wanna get swung on.

  4. If russia ain’t paying for dead russian soldiers, they ain’t paying shit for dead Sri Lankan soldiers. Meat for the meat grinder.

  5. No one thinks that Russia will pay this kind of money just because Sri Lanka demanded.

  6. Yes we will compensate your new troopers with high salaries. Please send more.

  7. Assuming they did get their compensation, would all the new Ladas noticeably worsen Sri Lanka’s traffic problems?

  8. best we can do is this jar of pickled eggs and a dashcam.

    the survivors get a complementary dishwasher

  9. How desperate or stupid must people be to join an army that will happily murder its OWN soldiers. They are not going to treat foreign soldiers any better.

  10. Nah, fuck them. They should be paying Ukraine a fine for each wannabe soldier they sent to die there instead.

  11. Russian response :

    “One potato, two potato, three potato, four,

    You’ll get nothing, now keep sending more.”

  12. Hopefully this will be an example to the world dealing with despots.

  13. These guys are a failed x2 state, they have NO money whatsoever. The only reason I can fathom a poor country going to war was to monetary reasons to help them out of their deprived state.

    Now trying to double dip for money on their donated people.

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