Soldier Oleksandr Hrytsyuk, who died in Russian captivity

Soldier Oleksandr Hrytsyuk, who died in Russian captivity

by HarakenQQ

  1. His wife:

    When we arrived in Kyiv on June 25 to recognize the body, I was shocked by what I saw. It was a very scary picture. I was especially amazed at how thin the body was brought back. The pathologist said that he did not have even fifty kilograms.
    Sasha was tall – 180 centimeters. He was 110 kg and physically healthy. What was left of him was only bones and skin. His head was all blue, his nose was on the side, his fingers had no nails. I don’t know if they were dislocated or broken. Rolling marks all over his body.
    His cellmates later told me how they were abused. They were beaten every day. They were beaten either in the cell or taken out. They beat them, especially my boyfriend. Because he was tall, solid, and did not want to speak Russian

  2. There’s not a lot you can say which hasn’t already been said.

    Russians are just Nazi 2.0

  3. A hateful, immoral, barbarian state that teaches its people to be cruel and glorifies them for it. How can anyone support Russia?

  4. Some more info I got from another channel- he was from the 110th brigade. And was held captive for 2 years, his fellow cell mates said he was beaten every day for refusing to ever speak Russian. Well he was held prisoner his wife only received one letter from him.

    Those coward fuckers still couldn’t break his spirt after 2 years. Rest in peace 🕊️🇺🇦🇺🇸

  5. Can’t add anything more than disgusting. I’m not really sure why Western media isn’t reporting this

  6. Heroyam Slava 🇺🇦
    Rest well hero, your fight is over ,your memory lives on , glory is yours , Valhalla awaits.

  7. Anybody telling you Ukraine should concede to Russia. Show them this.

    You don’t surrender to people that do this. You don’t.

    Ukraine does not only fight for its statehood. The Ukrainian people fight for their existence as an ethnicity and culture. Russia is conducting a war of extermination.

    Never surrender to them. Never surrender to this kind of evil.

  8. Rip warrior! I pray that everyone who knows you or is effected by your death can find peace, comfort & joy, i pray the lord is pleased with you, i pray that your entrance through the gates of heaven is expedited & pray that you get your wings & halo. Thank you for your service hero…may god bless you!

  9. Sweet lord, they’re really trying hard to be Nazis 2.0. What a shithole of country and society.

  10. They have the world hostage with Nuclear Weapons. If we could, democratic countries already would have stomped them.

  11. Putin needs to be removed, whether by his death or his incarceration and trial for war crimes. Putin’s regime needs to be dismembered, and all those members of his regime (from the level of foot soldier up to top national official) who have played a role in the war crimes committed by the regime need to be investigated, and if found probably guilty tried by a tribunal similar to the Nuremberg trials. The Russian Federation must be brought to its knees and forced to undergo massive reforms to government, social norms and jurisprudence. The Orc regime must not only be totally defeated, but the prospect of any similar regime ever again arising in the Russian Federation of any of its constituent states must be squelched as vigorously as possible. Freedom for Ukrainians and for Russians and for ALL humanity.

    END to all Orcs.

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