Return from Russian captivity. The pictures speak for themselves.

Return from Russian captivity. The pictures speak for themselves.

by lilmammamia

  1. >Hungry. Exhausted. Happy. On June 25th, Ukraine welcomed home another 90 prisoners of war. After an emotional meeting at the border, late at night we went to the hospital, where the guys were immediately examined by doctors before being sent for further rehabilitation.

    >As before, we cannot and will not comment on anything.
    These photos speak for themselves. russian captivity kills, and each return of ours home is a huge happiness with a taste of great pain. After all, thousands of Ukrainian defenders, as well as civilians, are still there, in the clutches of russia’s fascist regime.

    -[Kostyantin Liberov](

  2. Those poor bastards. Hopefully they can find some peace, and heal physically and in time mentally.

  3. These should not be pictures taken in 2024. Russia is blatantly violating the laws of war relating to the treatment of prisoners.

    Why is global society content with feigned gasps and empty words of condemnation? The world was so collectively appalled at the atrocities committed in WW2 that we created the laws of war and the UN convention on Genocide. Yet the memories of such atrocities have been faded from the memories of global society to the point that they tolerate such actions despite vowing “never again”

  4. It’s a fucking shame how we (the West) are doing nothing than keep this war going. No real efforts to make Ukraine win.

  5. Are the Russians just treating wounds with mytelene blue? FML
    Where I’m from farmers use that on cattle while waiting for the vets to come.

    Russia really is a third world country

  6. Kill as many Russians as possible. To hell with them all. They are killers murderers, rapists, and enable this illegal war. I am so tired of Russians and only wish hell for them all.

  7. The Russians are nothing but animals. They care for nothing except their reputation within their own country. Their people are like mushrooms. Kept in the dark and fed Bullshit. They fool no one with the flexing of their leaders Muscles. Bit by bit they will be taken apart and their people will starve unless the rest of the civilised world props them up with international aid.

  8. Where is the UN, where is the fucking red cross? why the hell are you needed?

  9. Little different from the rest of the comments maybe, but what is that blue stuff on their wounds? And adding to that, is it from their time in russia or is it from ukrainian treatment at home?

  10. Those soldiers won’t be able to fight for a long time due to their health whilst tuzzian captives will get back to the front line in a matter of days/weeks.

    This is why ruzzians don’t feed ukranian captives and this is why we should break the femur of every captive the day before their release.

  11. What are the odds that the monstrosities brutalizing these guys weren’t even ordered to torture them? That they just did it for s’s and g’s?

    They survived pure evil. Relief and pride mixed with wild indignation when seeing this shit. We’re revving up the mic, this shit won’t go on forever. It looks like they just broke their legs over and over again…fucking monsters.

  12. Gentian Violet. wikipedia “Crystal violet or gentian violet, also known as methyl violet 10B or hexamethyl pararosaniline chloride, is a triarylmethane dye used as a histological stain and in Gram’s method of classifying bacteria. Crystal violet has antibacterial, antifungal, and anthelmintic (vermicide) properties and was formerly important as a topical antiseptic. The medical use of the dye has been largely superseded by more modern drugs, although it is still listed by the World Health Organization.

    Google Gentian violet. You can still purchase it.

  13. After these guys spend some months eating and recovering from the torture they have endured, many go back to fighting. At that point they have learned firsthand how disgustingly cruel and inhumane the treatment is at the hands of the russians. Hope these guys get all the treatment and care they deserve and recover from the trauma they have been subjected to. They are the heroes of Ukraine and every last one needs to make it home to their families.

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