BBC accused of having ‘hostile Left-wing audience’ for Nigel Farage Question Time debate

BBC accused of having ‘hostile Left-wing audience’ for Nigel Farage Question Time debate

by masterblaster0

  1. >Mr Farage did not receive a single round of applause from the studio audience during the entire broadcast.

    Honestly Nige that sounds like a you problem

  2. It’s always somebody else’s fault with Farage. First the vetting company didn’t do its job. Then Channel 4 planted an actor. Now it’s the BBC supposedly inviting people hostile to Farage’s ideas *because that would never happen in real life.*

    He’s not just a huckster, he’s not just a snake selling snake oil, he’s not just a common crook: he’s a coward.

  3. He shouldn’t even have been on question time.

    You win seats at an election and then you’re entitled to airtime, not the other way round but he’s a darling of the BBC and has always been given an easy ride.

    Quit crying Farage.

  4. I bet he was fuming that his usual bluster and hyperbole wasn’t getting any applause at all. 

    Amusing hearing him talking about actors playing a character too as if thats a negative. Considering his entire public persona is a right wing playbook cartoon character (as with Johnson and JRM).

  5. Lol, is this the same Question Time that’s had Nigel Farage on as a panelist more than any other living person in British history? Aside from maybe Kate Andrews?

    The problem Farage has is that he’s so used to communicating with his own echo chamber and never hearing any criticism of the slightest against him that when he does, he snaps so quickly like Sunak does in debates.

    Its like Trump not being able to accept he lost in 2020 – the likes of Trump and Farage have spent their privileged lives always getting their own way and being surrounded only by people who agree with them that whenever things get hard or people start getting critical they lose their minds.

  6. Question Time has had every right wing nutjob going on it for years. Its certainly not “left leaning”

    Maybe Farage just isnt as popular as he thinks

  7. Maybe this is what he means when he says he is supported by the silent majority

  8. Don’t believe that for a second, but on the off chance it’s true, it’d make a change from the usual mostly center right bias Question Time has.

  9. I don’t really understand this as an issue. What an opportunity to lay out your vision for the country, stand up to those who oppose you, and counter arguments made by your rivals. Here is a man who wants to be the leader of the opposition but is moaning about people disagreeing with him. If he had real political ambition he’d relish this chance to uproot the Tories when they are at their weakest. Instead there are complaints about a supposedly left wing audience who didn’t clap like those at the Reform events.

  10. A piece of garbage posing as a human being is surprised his terrible behavior makes people hostile towards him.

    Who would have thunk?

  11. These clowns are hilarious. QT has been packed with Kippers to the brim by the Kipper owner of the production company, with Farage being the most frequent guest for an entire decade.

    Finally people see through Farage’s clueless BS and now it’s a “hostile lefty” audience. Comedy gold!

  12. I would think it was anti farage rather than left wing.
    Farage unites left and right with their distaste of the slimy cunt.

  13. That’s what happens if all your supporters make sitting at home complaining and never doing anything about it your whole personality.

  14. The BBC should be accused of grooming the UK by giving farage 40 appearances on prime time TV show slots even though he isn’t even a main opposition MP/MEP over the years.

  15. This really made me laugh because now Farage (who moans about cancel culture) is saying he is cancelling the BBC until they apologise for their alleged ‘dishonest QT audience’.

    This is on top of him saying he’s reporting C4 to the electoral commission because one of his campaigners was filmed saying all that racist crap. He’s claiming C4 are engaged in election interference by exposing this.

  16. As well as a barney with the Beeb, Farage has also reported Channel 4 to the Electoral Commission for an undercover piece on a racist Reform UK campaigner.

    Farage is finally being scrutinised like other leaders, along with his party members – instead of simply being given a platform to rant – and he doesn’t like it.

  17. Well. he did kick off by proudly telling people how he had absorbed BNP voters as if they were moderate centrist floating voters.

  18. I’m right wing , and I can’t stand the Putin arse licker that is farage . Opposing you farage doesn’t make someone left wing . You bleat on about the illegal immigration to Europe , yet never mention Russia and Belarus are intentionally trying to get them in to destabilise Europe . Why is that ?

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