Odesa region. The last thing a Russian reconnaissance UAV sees before it is shot down.

Odesa region. The last thing a Russian reconnaissance UAV sees before it is shot down.

by Wonderful-Sir6115

  1. Am I to interpret this that WWII era designs are being fitted for the mission of intercepting recon drones?

    Fascinating [/Spock]

  2. I thought I would never see propeller planes in combat again, especially when they were effective (look at the victory marks on the fuselage), this is pretty epic

  3. USAF: “we need 6th gen fighters and advanced technology to combat these threats”

    AFU: “ haha prop go brrrr”

  4. Aren’t the YAK-52’s incredibly sturdy?

    So they could just wing clip a drone to bring it down.

  5. Makes sense to me. Seems like a modern jet fighter would be way too fast and way too expensive to operate to use in an anti drone role. Ukrainians are by now well known for improvising with whatever they have at hand. This is just one more good example.

  6. Fucking bad ass.

    You can actually see their kill count stenciled on the side of the plane below the cockpit.

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