Ukrainian soldier Oleksandr Hrytsuk has been captured in April 2022 in a battle near Kyiv. Russia sent back a dead body of the POV after two years sentence in prison

Ukrainian soldier Oleksandr Hrytsuk has been captured in April 2022 in a battle near Kyiv. Russia sent back a dead body of the POV after two years sentence in prison

by ChocoBrumik

  1. This should be posted on major news programs. I wish more people knew how sick Russia really is.

  2. Completely healthy male turned in to a skeleton by these subhuman pieces of shit.

  3. See this? Yet the ruskie cheerleaders at the pro ruskie sub have the nerve to say russia treats POWs better than Ukraine, evil monsters.

  4. So they captured an enemy soldier, sent him to prison like a criminal instead of a retention camp for POW exchanges, then starved him to death and returned the body like nothing… wow, fucking monsters.

  5. The Russian people need to be held accountable for their government’s actions until they agree to hold their own responsible by extraditing war criminals to the Hague for trial.

  6. The west looks at this and be like “But we have escalation phobia and the voters are tired.”

    If we end up in WW3, I know who to blame.

    Harsh criticism? Would WW3 be less harsh?

  7. Ooph. He looks like a burly, well fed guy in the first picture. Just skin and bones in the right pic. Gives you an idea how they treated him in the last two years.

    btw this man was a POW. what did the russians sentence him for?

  8. Now imagine PRO RU on here if Ukraine did this… But Russians only know one thing in life and its just violence, had a pro ru on here go on about how russians are great but proceeds to tell me to talk to a russian about my stance on the war and ill wake up in hospital… They always prove how dirty rotten humans they are every time they try to use their brain.

    Now what i would like is if they spent the money they are using on the war and build a giant fence around Russia so we can live in peace and the rate they are currently going for births they will die out quick.

  9. Is it wrong to consider Russians as inferior humans? Their way of life is good-for-nothing

  10. Russia – they fight like in the 40´s, treat POW like in the 40´s ….
    RIP Oleksandr

  11. Бля@ские рашепидоры. Пиз@а им после войны. Всех переловят и уничтожат.

  12. They cut open his ribcage twice. The one time to the left it healed. The cut at the right is recent. It burst open, you can see his ribs through the cleaned cut.

    His throat is slit.

    It looks like he got stabbed in the neck.

    His skull is broken and patched together.

    If you ask me they killed him on release.

  13. Repose en Paix, Oleksandr🕊
    Courage à ta famille. Heroyam Slava 🇺🇦

  14. This should be ran on every news channel here in the usa!!! Only a matter of time before this hits our door steps

  15. This is why I feel nothing watching Russians die, blown up, burn, run over. Sadly, in a way, I will, after this post reminder, probably feel something like joy even watching them die. Don’t like being like this, but I assume it’s an outlet for all the hate I feel towards the ruzzians, on behalf of so many in Ukraine.

  16. Genocide maniacs did what you might expect Prayers for families and friends, communities under threat of these heathens.

  17. isnt that a scar on his chest, as if they cut him open then barely sewed him together again?

  18. And RU POWs on the other hand get well fed,fresh water,clothes, can call their relatives.

    Anyone interested can watch the ytube channel of Volodymyr Zolkin where he interviews RU POWs how they got captured and what they think about the war.

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