Average childhood experience in Britain

Average childhood experience in Britain

by generalscruff

  1. Serves him right getting excited who’d he think he is! Little twerp had it coming,I hope the guy that vomited is okay and got home safe and well. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was the kids father.

  2. That’s the classic rite of initiation or not. Isn’t he a bit young for that?

  3. What a little twerp.

    Remember that little German girl crying and Barryland cheering?

    The girl witnessed an honestly awful thing, a goal our keeper couldn’t hold. That’s a reason to cry!!!

    Little boy just got vomited on. That’s nothing in comparison! Why is this news?

  4. If someone hasn’t vomited in your seating area before halftime you haven’t experienced a proper game of rugby!!!

    Also if you haven’t witnessed a massive fight while watching rugby then you’ve fucked up and need to get drunk!

  5. Being initially excited, subsequently vomited on and leaving in tears, is something every british sports fan can relate to. Kid just had his rite of passage.

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