Deutsche Frau erhält härtere Strafe als Vergewaltiger, weil sie ihn „Schwein“ nannte

Deutsche Frau erhält härtere Strafe als Vergewaltiger, weil sie ihn „Schwein“ nannte

  1. Let them suffer the consequences of their actions, please don’t condone first offender rights to be let off for physically and emotionally ruining peoples lives.

    They need consequences not get out of jail free cards

    One of those consequences in many countries happens to be chemical castration

  2. Besides what an atrocity it is that calling a pig a pig can land you a weekend in jail while raping an underage girl gets you a slap on the wrist, can I also say what a waste of the German court system? 120 other “defamers” are being investigated according to the article.

    Don’t you have better things to do with your time? Like learn to adequately prosecute the fucking pigs?

  3. Rape will always be considered a joke by courts. We teach children what is consent; maybe we should teach it to judges and lawyers.

  4. >He said the anger over the case had “reached a new, worrying level of intensity” and described the criticism as “a targeted attack on the rule of law”.

    Fucking disgraceful rapist pigs complaining about being called disgraceful rapist pigs lmao

  5. Nice justice system there 🙂 Fucking pigs, all of the 9 rapists of that 15 year old girl are Pigs, disgusting, shit eating Pigs!

    Pigs! Pigs! Pigs!

  6. ‘He was one of nine attackers who gang-raped a 15-year-old girl in a Hamburg park in 2020, in a case that shocked the city.’

    What the fuck is going on over there?

  7. Let’s invite more africans to come and live here. We will support them financial, honor their savage religion and let them rape our children without restriction because we do not wanna sound racist.

  8. There is a cultural aspect of rape in Brazil that is absolutely not tolerated; convicted rapists often need separate wards so they are not assassinated. Quite ridiculous, in a not funny way, that convicted criminals can have a better code than a judicial system of a free country

  9. These disgusting pigs SHOULD NEVER be safe in public. Someone get this women a balaclava

  10. Any man who sticks his dick where it doesn’t belong (ie: rape) deserves to have that dick cut off.

  11. >The man was one of nine men and boys convicted of raping a 15-year-old in the bushes of a Hamburg park over a number of hours in Sept 2020.

    >All were under 20 at the time, allowing them to be subject to juvenile law. Only one of them spent any time in jail, an Iranian national, who was 19 years old at the time, though it’s not clear why. Speaking about the rape in court, he asked: “What man doesn’t want that?”

    >The rest of the attackers, including the one defamed by Maja R, were given suspended sentences. Anne Meier-Goering, the presiding judge, lamented during the trial that “none of the defendants said a word of regret”.

    Germany???? WTF???

  12. I went in assuming there had to be more to this than the headline, but there really isn’t. The only possible mitigating factor is that the rapist was a minor. But a suspended sentence for participating in the gang rape of a minor for someone who is at least 16 is ridiculous.

    That defamation law is absurd too. The purpose of defamation laws should be to protect people from having their reputation hurt by lies. This was a private DM, and it was obviously her opinion. She wasn’t trying to convince anyone that this kid was a literal pig, and it’s not like his reputation can get much lower than gang rapist. She didn’t threaten or harass him. It was a couple of well-deserved insults.

  13. Wow, I thought Germany was supposed to be progressive?

    Side note: teach your daughters to be wary of Middle Eastern men, the entitlement they carry with them everywhere they go is frightening

  14. This is an example of what happens when common sense no longer exists in the justice system

  15. >Hamburg authorities are now investigating around 140 more suspects for insulting or threatening the gang rapists, with 100 of the suspects based outside Hamburg.


  16. > subject to juvenile law. Only one of them spent any time in jail, an Iranian national, who was 19 years old at the time, though it’s not clear why. Speaking

    I wonder why the Iranian national got jail time.

  17. So the man she was insulting was under the age of 20 at the time of the crime, meaning he was allowed to be charged under their juvenile laws. The story doesn’t give his actual age but said that only one of his codefendants was 19. This gave him a heavy sentence that was deferred and he didn’t end up seeing any actual time in jail. She got a weekend in jail for name calling. So he did get a harsher sentence, his age saved him from seeing any of it. Given the nature of the crime and that the judge lamented that none of the defendants showed any remorse, this pig should have seen a lot more punishment than what was metered out.

  18. There’s gotta be more too it, I cannot believe there is a judge stupid enough to do that

  19. And then one day for absolutely no reason at all people started voting for the far right

  20. Another great “pride” moment for my country… a FUCKING disgrace.

    May those “people” be gangraped by a bunch of gorillas one day.

  21. Makes total sense. Imagine having to overcome the mental trauma of being called a pig by the girl you, um…

  22. I’m glad the US has such high standards for defamation. Getting any amount of jail time for calling a convicted rapist a pig is third world shit. Embarrassing.

  23. > Hamburg authorities are now investigating around 140 more suspects for insulting or threatening the gang rapists

    Great use of resources. Well done.

  24. Germany has unfortunately taken a bad turn towards identity-politics driven immigration and population politics. As someone living in a neighbouring country, it is shocking to watch how bad germany is getting.

  25. I don’t get it, how are these places the front for women rights movement, when they have such laughable situations? Some third world countries have better laws.

  26. 9 attackers. Raping. A minor. When you pull shit like that, you are nothing but fucking animal.

  27. Jesus Christ lady! This man obviously went through a lot by getting caught, now you add insult to injury by calling him a pig? Wow, the audacity!

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