Donald Trump: The Moscovite Candidate ~ Donald Trump and The Putin dream to invade Ukraine

Donald Trump: The Moscovite Candidate ~ Donald Trump and The Putin dream to invade Ukraine

by EthanIndigo

  1. Obama : Russia takes Crimea Trump: Russia gains nothing. Biden : Russia takes Donbass DoNaLd TrUmP: tHe MoScOvItE cAnDiDaTe

  2. If he talked about it with Putin BEFORE the invasion, Trump’s got a lot of Ukrainian blood on his hands for not spilling this to the CIA or even the Ukrainian leadership… makes him an enemy of 2 states, US and Ukraine

  3. This may be why Trump is so obsessed about the border. He has sold out more than just the US for the worldwide Oligarchy movement.

  4. Trump has been Moscow’s inside guy since the 80’s. The plan was always to destroy us from within by getting their guy in power. The more you look into the connections between him and the oligarchs in russia, the worse it gets. His loyalty is to whoever pays the most.

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