Reform UK drops three candidates over offensive comments but says we should still vote for them

Reform UK drops three candidates over offensive comments but says we should still vote for them

by Cult_of-Personality

  1. Mr Farage said “I want nothing to do with them.”

    Asked what Reform would say to voters in the constituencies where the candidates had been dropped, the party spokesman said he would “encourage them to vote for the party, by voting for these people on the ballot paper”

  2. Lol, just screw the local communities that would have them as their representatives for 4/5 years then?!

  3. Farage is basically telling people what he thinks they want to hear while not taking any real action. He’s a pathological liar. He thinks hes above the rules and puts Party First before Country. Just like the Conservatives did.

    Anyone who thinks this snake isn’t Party First isn’t paying attention.

  4. >Farage “I want nothing to do with them.”

    >Also Farage “I encourage people to vote for the party, by voting for these people on the ballot paper”

    Reform UK “Please still vote for our vile racists, sexists and homophones who want to shoot people to show your support for reform”

    They really can’t help themselves.

  5. Farage is taking a leaf out of Trumps playbook.

    Whatever he does, he is a victim.

    The powers that be are out to get him and then they will get you next.

    Every one of these stories boosts that narrative.

    So while all you Redditors are getting giddy and beside yourselves at these stories, he is using these stories up shore up his base.

    These stories help his campaign not hinder him

  6. You all are so full of vitriol about Nigel however I can guarantee you was supporting Diane abbot.

  7. “We promise, these are really, really the last ones left. (None of the rest of us are stupid enough to say anything that leaves the realm of plausible deniability)”

  8. Well they aren’t going to say, ‘don’t vote for us’ five days before an election are they?

  9. “Yeah reforms not like that, but we still want you to vote for the racist, misogynistic, fascist twats. But we are not racist, misogynistic fascist twats”. 🙄

  10. They won’t drop the candidates because there is a fair amount of people in England that think like these people. Sit in any Medway pub long enough and you’ll be involved in a conversation about shooting boats. These are vote winners for them

  11. The thing is, the type of voter they will get, these kinds of remarks wouldn’t dismay them. In fact it might just do the opposite. Nobody is ‘on the fence’ about voting reform. Either you ascribe to Farage and what we all know he is, or you don’t.

  12. And what about all of the labour, conservative and Green Party candidates that have been found out for bullying, sexual assault, racism, anti-semitism??

    Diane abbot literally said Jews and Gypsies don’t experience racism and she’s allowed to stand.

  13. On Question Time Farage’s opening statement, almost the first sentence was bragging about how he had attracted members away from the BNP. I don’t think hes as bright as people give him credit for.

  14. “I mean, they didn’t even use any of the *good* racial slurs. We don’t want such people in our party.” -Farage

  15. Labour has antisemites in their party and no one here batters an eye lid

  16. Those who were planning to vote Reform obviously still will. They will not be turned off by blatant racism and they only want to vote for the party with the most anti-immigrant policy going. They are not the type of voter who reads manifestos, nor who listen to in-depth analysis of the parties and their leaders. Reform voters are emotive and reactionary, this latest incident is just background noise to them.

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