Congratulations to Switzerland, at this point I hope they win

Congratulations to Switzerland, at this point I hope they win

by alabertio

  1. Well I guess we are enemies!!!


    I’m rooting for Spain because idk fuck england!

  2. I wanna see a Bella Italia miracle. Come on, give the Aromat boys hell, 15 min left

  3. Letโ€™s all start cheering for Georgia if your team has been eliminated (or never qualified ๐Ÿ˜)

  4. I’m glad Switzerland ended our suffering, we were screwed from the first match.

  5. Fair result. We are absolutly terrible.

    Congrats to Switerzland.

    # #SpallettiOut

  6. Top 10 anime betrayals.

    How can you say something like that italybro?


  7. England is shit, France is disappointingly average. Germany and Spain are the only 2 i actually think can win this.

  8. Game was at 0-0 when I went to sauna. Came out and the score was 2-0. Laughed for a while, until I remembered that I bet on the swiss winning 1-0. Damn swiss winning too much.

  9. If England put in a performance like this tomorrow, the whole world will shit down out throats screaming how shit and overrated we are.

  10. The 2026 FIFA World Cup will take place from June 11 to July 19, 2026. It will be jointly hosted by 16 cities in three North American countries: Canada, Mexico, and the United States.

    Hope we see you there.

  11. Better the Swiss winning than getting beaten by England… Now I have a hankering for Toblerone or a box of Lindors..

  12. No sane Italian looked at previous matches and said “yeah, that goal scored against Croatia really will be the spark that ignites us”.
    I’ve seen better football watching 6yo kids

  13. Honestly I am sad for the swiss team. The must have been bored out of their minds in this match, playing all by themselves for 90 mins sounds awful.

  14. I havenโ€™t seen a worse performance from the Italians since the Civil War

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