Trump and Russian Embassy plane parked together yesterday during Presidential debate yesterday

Trump and Russian Embassy plane parked together yesterday during Presidential debate yesterday

by macktruck6666

  1. Russians aren’t even hiding it anymore that they have Trump in their pocket and the American justice system is paralyzed

  2. Should be noted. It is widely believed that Trump uses planes to illegally transport classified documents.

    [Video RESURFACES of Trump moving IDENTICAL BOXES from Mar-A-Lago to Bedminster in May 2021 (](

    OMG, it gets worse. The Plane stopped in New York near Trump Tower for more than 2 hours where people also believe Trump hid classified documents.


    Trump must appear in court and give testimony under oath about any contact with foreign spies. Prosecutors could creidibly argue that they have credible suspicion that Trump committed espionage or violated the Logal act. Following the law is a condition of Trump’s release from detainment. If he refuses to testify in such scenario, Trump could be remanded to jail immediately.

  3. The weird part, nobody knows why the ruzzian plane is in Virgina, it was supposed to only go to DC and New York to transfer diplomats. Things that make you go hmm.

  4. Amusing, but I’m pretty sure that neither the Russian government nor Trump gets to choose which parking place they want at Dulles. I also imagine that security considerations for the passengers of both planes played a role in the airport controllers putting them in that area of the airport.

    What I’m more intrigued about is why there is a Russian government plane in DC at all. I suspect that ordinary Russian embassy flunkeys have to travel commercial, and it’s not like it’s impossible to fly to and from Moscow by that means. So someone important flying in or out of DC? They had to use the massive commercial jetliner because the only executive jets still in Russia aren’t able to fly abroad because sanctions mean they haven’t been maintained correctly?

  5. And Americans will vote for the Putin shill in November and Ukraine will be doomed.

    If Trump had his way, he’d have US soldiers in Ukraine under the Russian flag. 

  6. It is so small. How can Trump be seen in such a small plane. So embarrassing. 😆

  7. Maybe we could get somebody in here who actually knows something about ATC and how plains are routed.

  8. The are collecting data off the bugs left all over his plane. Did I or did I not see Paul manifort with him before a rally just the other day too? Sure looked like the guy on stage with him…

  9. It’s really not unusual. It’s called diplomacy. Not everything needs to be splashed all over the media and leveraged as part of the gutter press or dirty domestic politics that the US has recently become accustomed to. Fortunately the US and most of the western (and indeed eastern) world still know how to conduct actual civilised and discrete diplomacy when it matters.

    It does signify there’s a very important topic on the agenda that warrants flying from Moscow to DC and meeting in person. Let’s hope they agree on something beneficial for Ukrainians and Russians alike and end this shameful and unnecessary war.

    As the world witnessed, Biden is clearly not capable of making any meaningful decisions.

  10. Republican party is ok with this. They love trump and they put all their dreams and hopes into trump.

  11. Hopefully CIA is up in Trumps ass having surveillance on him. At least one could dream.

  12. Recall the missed opportunity for disposing of Erdogan? Don’t let this one slip.

  13. Isn’t the FBI supposed to be doing counter intelligence surveillance of Russian diplomatic planes? Does anyone else remember the big deal Republicans made out of Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s plane parking next to Bill Clinton’s plane back in 2016?

  14. Trump and orban both. Also orban reguarly meets with trump and his family. Its no good.

  15. Why is Russia allowed to land here? They sent subs to Cuba to threaten us. Trump is the worst type of cunt.

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