Former French Fighter Pilot: I had rumors but here it is, first strike carried out by an F16 and confirmed by direct contact in the International Legion. We’re finally there.

Former French Fighter Pilot: I had rumors but here it is, first strike carried out by an F16 and confirmed by direct contact in the International Legion. We’re finally there.

by MatchingTurret

  1. Here’s hoping our 3 generations ago tech clears the sky of their “5gen”! Reach out, smack ‘em and change the tide (like javelin around Keiv and Karkiev and HIMARS in northern Kherson)!
    Salva Ukraine 🇺🇦!

  2. That tag says it all folks. Let’s wait for a more substantial source before opening up the champagne. I’ll get the bottle though, just in case

  3. i hope it’s true. love from Latvia. death to russia. Слава Україні!

  4. Oh damn the west is stepping up. No wonder Russia has been piss off a lot lately

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