Activists lower Vladimir Putin banner behind Nigel Farage as he gives a speech

Activists lower Vladimir Putin banner behind Nigel Farage as he gives a speech

by faconsandwich

  1. That is hilariously brilliant!

    Just a shame reform voters won’t care.

  2. The poster itself isn’t especially funny but the fact that the Geniuses at Reform couldn’t figure out how to get rid of it is

  3. The anger in these people’s voices when farage is criticised is on another level.

    I will never make my whole personality about a party or particular politician. I might defend them against smears a lies… But not to this extent. It’s seriously cultush behaviour

  4. The concerted effort by every media outlet and paid activist to get their knickers in a twist over Farage floating the idea of a negotiated settlement in Ukraine makes me think the possibility of it happening is higher than it ever was.

    Possibly another breakthrough like Ocheretyne is coming soon, or Trump’s likelier than ever to take office and force Kyiv’s hand. This year is giving 2016 vibes.

  5. The Reform UK candidate for Salisbury, PPC Julian Malins said Mr Putin needed to be involved in negotiations to end the Russias invasion of Ukraine and called for “diplomacy”.

    Julian Malins KC, had once met with Putin and described Putin as “good Russian president” Malins later clarified his statement as not a good man “in the Christian sense”.

    Malins has trust in Putin.

    As does Farage, they trust his word, they trust in negotiating with Russia.

    Farage and Malins – prospective candidates for the Munich peace prize.


    Malins was called to the bars of Bars of the Cayman Islands and British Virgin Island (UK Tax Havens).

    Malins was retained by Cambridge Analytica to report on its political activities.

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