Russia is losing 1,000 soldiers a day in its relentless ‘meat grinder’ tactics against Ukraine: report

Russia is losing 1,000 soldiers a day in its relentless ‘meat grinder’ tactics against Ukraine: report


  1. Russians REALLY went all-in on Trump being elected, hence this final push to grab whatever possible before the forced ceasefire

  2. You can bet they don’t care about human lives.

    And the worst thing is that they are sending all the Siberian minorities, Yalta Ukrainian Tatars,

    Kazakhstan Koreans, PRC Chinese,
    North Vietnamese and Mongolian
    “Soviet comrades & allies”

    to do all their dirty bidding and die!

    Russia is a terrorist state!

  3. Putin shouldn’t worry, soon it’ll be a thousand North Koreans a day, when dear friend Kim sends soldiers. /s

  4. According to Nato and western military officials, ok and how do they know of these numbers?

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