What truly divides the barbarians from true civilization

What truly divides the barbarians from true civilization

by pocaSperanza

  1. My Italian just smelled my armpit and said it doesn’t smell at all (I showered on Thursday morning)

  2. Ahem… Luigi, we (me and my brother João) take showers every day and use bidets. I think our PIGS brother Giorgos does the same too.

  3. I dont understand bidets, never used it besides as a sink when i was a kid, wet wipes is enough i dont want some turbowater on my ass

  4. How come most Italians I’ve met stank like hell despite statistics saying they are most likely to shower daily?

  5. No, Giovanni, dumping an entire flacon of perfume on your greased up hair does **not** count as “taking a shower”

  6. I’m sorry Italian bros but showing every day is genuinely bad for your skin. Sorry, you can’t always be right against us northern savages

  7. From the map that pops here from time to me its just you and us Luigi. We stand against all the barbarians.

  8. How are bidets not the norm across the globe?

    Fuckin itchy ass dry paper scraping savages…

  9. Yep, true civilization lives without a bidet. The last I saw one might have been 10 years ago lmao

  10. God, what if the average italian actually lives in the delusion that the average italian smells better than the average swede? I hope they realize they shower all the time because they literally smell like feces if they dont, and most Swedes still shower daily.

  11. Everytime I have to tell you PIGS!

    We don’t feel the need to shower as often because our climates are often colder.

    Obviously if you live in PIGS land, where the sun never fucks off and you have to sleep naked. You’re going to want to shower alot.

    I showered three times a day in Spain because it was just nice to cool off and also it helped sober me up, but that’s beside the point.

    Maybe if you didn’t live like a bunch of sweaty PIGS, you wouldn’t need to shower as much.

  12. I had a bidet in my home when I was little, now I have those hoses by the toilet, but most people I know in Argentina only use the bidet and no paper, and that’s gross, it’s like bathing your legs with poop soup when you stand up.

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