Panama spricht alle Angeklagten im Prozess um die Panama Papers frei – mit der Begründung, dass die Beweise für die Steuerhinterziehung nicht ausreichten, um korrupte Absichten nachzuweisen.

Panama spricht alle Angeklagten im Prozess um die Panama Papers frei – mit der Begründung, dass die Beweise für die Steuerhinterziehung nicht ausreichten, um korrupte Absichten nachzuweisen.

  1. Given enough time and money, it seems justice can excuse overwhelming factual conspiratorial evidence with a procedural flaw.

  2. Of course they did. One of the biggest financial expose in modern times and of course they do

  3. It was enough information to run banks and businesses and hide billions in wealth and keep track of it all. But it wasn’t enough to prove wrongdoing…..

  4. Ohhh these highly educated buusness men didn’t know what they were doing, darn, Mr McGoo, you’ve done it again…

  5. If you think the wealthy will be held accountable, you haven’t been paying attention.

  6. Wonder how much money exchanged hands to make that happen.

    Everyone on this list should have an international bounty on their heads

  7. Nothing to see here folks, just a bunch of rich people paying their way out of a purely minor upsetting tax evasion logistics

  8. whoever thought the Panama papers was going to result in anything different was kidding themselves. They don’t even try to hide the corruption anymore…hell, even a list of frequent fliers and victim reports didn’t give on Epstein island patron a moment’s issue. the only reason Weinstein got any flack is cause a few of his victims had enough money and swing to get a bit of payback.

  9. I mean, it’s not from Panama (a corrupt-ish country that allowed the Panama papers situation to happen) that we should be expecting action or sanctions obviously.

    It’s from each individual state that notices some of their residents being part of the Panama papers, and therefore bringing them to justice or at least hefty fines.

    Some countries are doing better (i.e. are more aggressive) at it than others, but sanctions definitely are happening (not as much as it should though)

  10. And I’ll bet it only cost a few hundred thousand to make the charges go away. Plus legal fees of course.

  11. Didn’t people die for this? Am I misremembering? Didn’t at least one journalist die because of this?

  12. Bizarre, it’s almost as if Panama was chosen intentionally because of its lax laws regarding tax evasion.

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