Ukrainians who returned home on June 25 from Russian captivity.

“Ukrainians who returned home on June 25 from Russian captivity.”

by banana_man_man_

  1. I cannot believe we have people in the usa who advocate non support of Ukraine against this Russian evil. They will try doing this with nato in 10 years if not stopped.

  2. Words just fail me when I see this, but tears come in my eyes. Gladly they are home, sadly others still remain as pows

  3. Poor buggers, although it’s great that they are alive & back home.

    The way the Russians & their society behaves is simply barbaric. Who the hell would ever want to be ruled by them.

  4. I wish the world would wake up and come together to stop this evil. More needs to be done.

  5. Now just picture this with NATO troops. LOOK AT THEM and insert your sons and daughters in their places.

  6. Just when I thought I couldn’t hate Russia anymore than I already did. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦

  7. Ruzzia is a barbaric terrorist state. Now amount of threats should dissuade the west from ensuring the complete failure and defeat of Putlers regime

  8. Christ lads… looks like modern day footage of a concentration camp.. in 2024… the fuck is happening?

  9. These boys deserve to rest now but something tells me majority of them can’t bulk back up fast enough so they can finish the job.

  10. In addition to starving, and torturing Ruzzian fascists intentionally infect Ukrainian prisoners with tuberculosis and hepatitis.

  11. The ink blue bruises are insane. I remember seeing another video of Ukrainian POWs talking about how their Russian captors would come in every night to beat their legs. But does anyone know how bad it has to be to cause bruises that colour? As in, the science behind it? Is it a necrosis of some kind? Because this treatment isn’t exclusive to their POWs, [they also treat their children like this]( to nobody’s surprise.

    The children they dope up, overwork for a decade and send off to win Olympic medals before retiring them into a life where they’re now chronically disabled from severe untreated injuries.

  12. This is what Russians think of the people they invade. This callous sadistic evil must be stopped and then eliminated.

  13. I feel russia is treating Ukraine POW like this so that if they get returned it will take many months or years to build back ghe muscle mass to be any good on the frontline again.

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