Very rapidly

Very rapidly

by 9oRo

  1. Mi aspetto le dimissioni di Spalletti e soci e dei vertici FIGC. Non è ammissibile un sistema così.

  2. Imagine getting eliminated by the Swiss in 8th finals at a Euro ! My national team would never

  3. If Switzerland even dare think of losing to England (invalids like us) in the quarters I’m going to be pissed. Maybe Slovakia can send the Barries home but either way the semi *has* to be Swiss vs Austria.

  4. Wtf it’s 2:0 for the Swiss?

    Lmao what, thought Italy was good at football

    Maybe too much spaghetti over at nonna and not enough training done

  5. Switzerland got on the pitch wanting to win and that’s exactly what they’re doing.
    We walked on the pitch wanting uhhhhhhh…
    cheers to my Swiss mates, I’ll be enjoying your celebrations from my balcony lol

  6. It’s time to change our national sport. In Athletics we are doing quite well this year…..

  7. Teams like Switzerland and Georgia are proof that football is first and foremost a team sport.
    No divas or melodramas.

  8. Funny how there is not a single comment from a Swiss in here. Guess they’re all busy partying. Also it’s not that many of them anyways.

  9. I’m starting to think this Euro will be won by an underdog, all “top teams” are shit, ok, except for Spain

  10. it’s not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, it’s the size of the fight in the dog and Italy clearly didn’t have any fight in them

  11. The Swiss played really well gotta give them that. But holy smokes the Italian team played like shit

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