Sri Lankas Fischer sterben, nachdem sie aus im Meer gefundenen Flaschen getrunken haben

Sri Lankas Fischer sterben, nachdem sie aus im Meer gefundenen Flaschen getrunken haben

  1. They thought it was alcohol, was probably pure ethanol used for who knows what else.

  2. Well there’s your fucking problem right there, lol

    “Oh shit y’all, random bottles of unkown liquid in the middle of the ocean! Let’s drink it, maybe it’s alcohol!”

  3. My dog would do the same thing. She’d rather die eating french-fries mashed into the asphalt than let anything go to waste.

  4. “The incident has reportedly prompted protests in the coastal town – located around 120 miles (193km) from the capital, Colombo – calling for the sailors who were still alive to be returned to land.”

    I love how there are world wide protests for seemly everything now, but can someone tell me why a protest would be necessary in this situation?

  5. I always tell my kids that when they find random bottles of unknown liquid, they must only drink a small amount first in case it’s acid or something.

  6. Anyone else curious how they found “bottles”, as in, more than one? Even if a bunch were dumped into the ocean at the same time you would think they would disburse quickly. 

  7. If yall dont know, alcohol in sri lanka is ridiculously expensive – like prohibitively for the Sri Lankan wages. Probably didn’t help here.. that and the rampant moonshine/ illegal arak being made ahahah

  8. The kids on litter cleanup crews around here would double dog dare each other to drink the mystery bottles of liquid they found a few years ago. Was all fun and games till one of them almost melted their mouth with some sort of chemical acid they found in a discarded Pepsi bottle.

    Darwin Award indeed

  9. Somewhere an Alien Engineer is relieved that they won’t have to drink that bottle of black liquid themselves.

  10. I do beach cleanups, and we always warn the volunteers not to open *any* bottle they find with liquid in it.

    Some people seem to think they’ll find an expensive whiskey or a fine wine. That half-full tequila bottle doesn’t have tequila in it.

    Most likely, all that’s in the bottle is piss, or motor oil. If you’re lucky, it’s spoiled wine. Sometimes, it’s other chemicals. Not worth even opening it.

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